Saturday, July 9, 2011

Turning Out To Be A Pretty Good Day

7/9/2011:  8:08 PM

We finally received the results for the spinal tap.  Davis underwent a spinal tap to see if the cancer had spread into his spine and to place chemo in his spinal fluid. Praise God!  Davis had no cancer in his spinal fluid.  And if that isn't enough good news for one day . . .

davis and his buddy
Doctors pay careful attention to something they call ANC (more specifically, neutraphils for you medically-minded people), which amounts to basically the immune system.  Healthy children run a count over 1500; Davis's count as of this morning is 2535.  This helps our odds for going home sooner than later.  With that being said, we are very aware that Davis's ANC will be wiped out by the chemo, but we are happy knowing that he will be starting chemo healthy and strong.

We had so many family and friends come and visit today.  There were aunts and uncles, friends, and family members - enough to keep us occupied all day. We loved it.  We can't believe how the day flew by.  Davis's dear friend Harrison came for a visit with his parents.  Since Harrison is unable to come up to the floor, the doctor allowed Davis to go down and visit him. Visiting with Harrison perked Davis up considerably.  And to see them talk and play almost made the situation and atmosphere seem non-existent. 

davis and coach king

One of the biggest surprises of the day was when Coach King walked in.  Wow!  What a surprise.  Davis's baseball team went to great efforts to get together and make Davis's birthday special.  Coach King brought Davis gifts from the team:  a team picture titled "Team Davis", a baseball that the boys and coaches signed, birthday cards, and an awesome baseball lamp in which the coaches, parents, and boys signed the shade. We are overwhelmed at the lengths our friends go to in order to bring encouragement and pieces of home here. We are very touched to know that the same people who cheered on our son as he was running bases and up to bat are still cheering for him in the challenges ahead.  And this gesture is just more proof of the wonderful young men being raised by outstanding parents in our community.  Thank you!

Well, movie marathon has started.  I am missing "Diary of a Wimpy Kid" courtesy of Sis. Becky.  Davis forced me to watch Pokemon last night, so I think I will be more vocal about the movie selections tonight. :)  Davis still battles the homesickness.  He doesn't complain or cry as much, but you can tell what he is thinking as night draws near.  The nursing staff tells him that this place will feel like home in time, but I agree with Davis that it never will.  We are hoping that if all goes well (no fevers, tolerance to meds, etc), we will come home next weekend. 

Health wise, Davis is feeling ok.  He didn't eat much today and has had some dizziness, discomfort, and upset stomach.  He tries to be brave and never asks for pain medicine.  We are hoping with all of the activity today that he will sleep peacefully tonight. 

We continue to ask for prayer for Davis's health.  We pray that there are no complications that could impede his chemo.  We are praying specifically for remission in 29 days.  We serve a healing God, and we know God hears our prayers, so we will keep praying our specific prayers and praising Him for everything He has done for us thus far. 

And saying "thank you" seems so understated to all of you have prayed for us, brought us food and gifts, visited us, and sent positive thoughts our way.  It will take us an eternity to repay your kindness.  We do not take your love and support for granted, and we are so very thankful and consider ourselves so very blessed. 

Hope you all have a good evening. 

We will keep you posted.



  2. Davis, I hope you had a great Birthday! Im so glad I got to visit with you, and I really hope you liked your gifts from the team. You are such a trooper, and I am so proud of you! You and your family's faith, strength and courage is such an inspiration to us all. We continue to pray for your quick healing, and we are rooting for you... Let's go Davis, Let's go, hoo hoo!

    Coach King & TEAM DAVIS
