Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Time Stands Still

3:45 PM.
It is amazing how quickly one loses concept of time in a hospital. Sometimes the only indicators I have that the day is moving by is the growling belly and the changing of nurses' shifts.

Davis came through the bone marrow biopsy and aspiration like a trooper.  Before he went in, he spiked a fever (probably due to the transfusion) and needed some additional lab work.  We have no results, other than that TB was ruled out by a second clean chest scan.

He has been out and about a little.  He managed to go to the cafeteria - by his choice - and eat some pizza. We even wheeled him out to the beautiful children's garden they have here on the eighth floor.  He withered pretty quickly. Energy is fleeting for him, but the break from the room was sure nice.

He had a few family visitors today, which perked him up considerably.  We are finding that he is far more pleasant when distracted.  Davis is still very, very homesick.  He longs for his own bed and to be surrounded by all things familiar.  In an effort to try to distract him while standing near a window, I suggested that he look out at the beautiful trees that are in the nearby park.  He responded, "Oh Mom, I can't.  Trees make me miss home."  Now, that's homesickness! 

Still believing for a miracle and very grateful for the kind and concerned medical staff who is treating him here.

Again, thank you for the prayers. 

Keep you posted.


  1. Exodus 23:25
    Worship the LORD your God and his blessing will be on your food and water. I will take away sickness your among you

  2. I uploaded a birthday video to facebook. It is a simple process but I have noticed it is taking some time today. I will make sure it gets posted.
