Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Annakate is Going to be Jealous . . .

7/12/2011:  6:45 PM

This morning was awesome.  Davis's dear friends, Gage, Wade, and Drew, and their families, the Goughs, Straders, and Shraders came for a visit.  Davis has been looking forward to this for a couple of days now.  I had a little fear that the boys might be apprehensive around Davis because of the mask and IV tower; once again, I was wrong.  It didn't phase them. And for awhile, it felt as though we were sitting in the living room at home visiting with our friends while our children played. I think we all (Davis, Kyle, and I) really needed that. (My camera died, so I have only one picture.)

The families showered Davis with presents, and among them was an IPAD!  Apparently, Amanda Cox and Krissta Newby had an idea and organized the purchase of an ipad for Davis. (Krissta and Amanda - thank you!!!) We can not begin to thank all of the families and Ashmore teachers and staff who pitched in for this purchase.  It was a great idea, and we are very grateful. Annakate is in disbelief.  When she found out, she said, "Mom, when you ground him, will you ground him from his ipad for a month, so I can play with it?"  I tell you, her little gears are always turning!  I spent the greater part of the afternoon figuring out how to put everything he wants on it.  Angry Birds kept him busy for awhile. 

the ds is ancient history

The day continued to go downhill.  Davis was given a liquid medication to cut back on mouth sores caused by the chemo.  Unfortunately, it made him sick to his stomach.  He feels horrible, and now he won't eat.  One of his chemo meds causes nerve pain in his jaws.  He struggles to talk and chew.  The nurse just gave him a pain killer (which he absolutely hates) to dull the nerve pain so he can eat.  He can't take the Predisone without food in his belly.  Kyle just made him some ramen noodles.  Those seem to be doing the trick.  The doctor just changed the mouth sore medication prescription to something he may better tolerate. Ughh.
feeling puny

His numbers continue to drop, and they will.  His ANC (immune system) was 2002 today.  For perspective, healthy kids are above 1500, and his was 3003 two days ago.  Today was the last day that we will venture off of the floor, and we find ourselves spending more and more time in the room.  He will be monitored carefully for fever (infection), blood pressure (increased salt intake caused by Prednisone), and blood levels (red cell and platelet transfusions) to get him ready for home. We are truly impressed on how tough Davis has been through all of this. Many grown-ups would have struggled to do what he has done this past week.

We continue to appreciate all of the support that is being sent our way.  We love the prayers and positive thoughts.  We ask that you continue to pray specifically for remission in 25 days.  We also ask that you pray for tolerance of side effects from chemo.  It is a truly helpless and horrible feeling to watch your child suffer and not be able to "fix" it.  We offer him comfort and encouragement, but it does not take away the pain. 

Psalms 62:5 states, "My soul, wait thou only upon God; for my expectation is from him"  We remind ourselves daily that we have put our son in the hands of these fantastic doctors and God. We continue to be so appreciative of all the saints interceding of Davis's behalf. May God richly bless you.

Not sure if there will be a movie marathon tonight.  Davis said he wasn't up to it.  Maybe the pain medicine will kick in.  I think "Indiana Jones" and "Harry and the Hendersons" are on the program for tonight.

Keep you posted.


  1. So wonderful to hear his friends got to visit! I am sure they had a great time. How awesome for the ipad idea and for Davis to have this form of fun :) Praying daily for Davis and you! Hope he gets home soon!

  2. My thought are with you all of the time. You are all so positive and Davis is such a trouper. Many prayers are being offered in Arizona. I've been asking all of my friends at church to pray for Davis.
    Lots of Love,

  3. Hi Davis, this is Grandmamama, alias Sadie, hope you have a better day today, love and miss you and Papa & I are praying for you non stop!

  4. Did Davis add the Kindle App to his Ipad? Just wondering as I would like to get him some books to read.

  5. Does Davis have a wish list for movies? I know someone who works at Best Buy! ;)
    Thank you so much for the updates, Amanda. I know it has to be hard to write about it, but hopefully it helps a little too. We will continue to pray for Davis and your family!!!!

  6. davis we are keping u in our thoughts and prayers each step of the way to good recovery.

