Thursday, July 14, 2011

Homeward Bound

7/14/2011:  11:20 PM

We have survived yet another roller coaster of a day. Davis is still struggling to get down medication. It seems rough in the morning, then the day runs pretty smoothly (no meds) with only nausea.  Early evening into the night is when it gets down right rotten. Davis still struggles with the nausea and adverse reactions to taking the medicine. We try to reassure him that this part of the medication will be over in 24 days, but 24 days is an eternity to a ten-year-old. I hate that he knows that sickness is coming every night. 
peacefully sleeping

Today was ok. Davis did receive a blood transfusion, which he was very excited about. We were all hoping that it would help him bounce out of this funk and restore him with energy, but that hasn't happened yet. The transfusion today served two purposes: raise blood counts for his bone marrow biopsy and spinal tap tomorrow and raise his blood count for his trip home.

The hemo/oncology social worker hosted a coping class for parents. Although the actual coping class didn't provide a ton of information, talking with other parents was beneficial. I find it fascinating how we connect with other families in similar situations. Since we have been here, we speak a new medical language that very few understand. I have grown accustomed to talking in medical acronyms and comparing vitals and CBCs with other parents. I guess it is part of the "new" normal that is constantly referenced.

We talked with the school liaison today. She will help us obtain the necessary paperwork for Davis to attend school. The doctors really push for as much schooling as possible, and we feel the same as long as his counts are safe.

davis and nellie

As part of their pet therapy program, St. Louis Children's Hospital has dogs that visit daily. Today, Nellie the Dalmatian visited.  Davis has such a tender heart when it comes to animals, and he looks forward to the dog visits.  He even managed to get out of bed to take a picture with Nellie.

Visitors . . . . Grandpa and Grandma Coffey came as did Uncle Randy. Davis still manages to tease them, which means he's not too sick. This evening before they left, Kyle and I managed to sneak out to the Applebee's attached to the hospital.  It wasn't a date by any means, but it was so nice to walk outside. Unfortunately, we had very little appetites and just wanted to get back to the room to be with Davis.
garden visit

Davis lacks the strength to walk well. He just doesn't have the energy; plus, he spends most of his time in bed, so his legs are weak. We put him in the wheelchair this evening and wheeled him to the garden. He has adamantly avoided the garden during our stay because it reminds him of home.  But knowing that we will be going home as early as tomorrow, he didn't protest too much when we hopped on the elevator. It was so beautiful out there this evening; I just wish he felt better so he could have enjoyed it.

amy is quite the actress!  cagney too!

At one of the lowest moments tonight, our dear friend Amy Stanley sent Davis a silly movie that she and her daughter made. It was the funniest thing ever. Davis went from near tears to laughter immediately. It was so awesome. We were able to disconnect from the pain and exhaustion and enjoy a little homemade movie.  Laughter truly is the best medicine. A merry heart does good like a medicine (Proverbs 17:22).

Well, we have managed to make it to another night, and "Night at the Museum" is the movie tonight. Tomorrow may prove to be a hard day with the upcoming procedures and chemo treatments, but if he can sail through those, we will be on our way home.  I am not going to lie; I am terrified to come home.  I love the controlled setting of the hospital. But Davis wants to be home, and home is his comfort - his lifeline. Homeward bound. . . we can't wait!

We are always praying for strength and healing.  It is very easy to lose faith in a place such as this (and sadly many parents have), but our love for God continues to flow abundantly. We know that it is due, in part, to all of those who have been praying and lifting up positive thoughts on our behalf.  We ask for prayer for a good day tomorrow (no complications), a positive report (checking if the chemo is working), and a complete healing/remission in 23 days.

Keep you posted.


  1. We will continue to pray for you all! Hope to see you soon! Love you guys

  2. So glad that you might be able to come home tomorrow. Praying for procedures to go well and for counts to come back at a level Davis can finally come home for awhile. Most of all, I will continue to pray for healing in 23 days :) Our God is an awesome God! May He watch over you on your trip home and give you strength to care for Davis once you are here!

  3. Amanda, I pray for healing for Davis and comfort for you, Kyle and the rest of the family. I requested prayers at church also. (of course I had to do a Grandma Coartney thing and explain who you all were) I asked if anyone remembered the Fanello girls from church camp and several did. Then I gave them all Kyle's family history. They all felt they knew you guys or part of your family. Take care, stay strong. Praying daily, Kathy & Joe Pardi.
