Friday, July 15, 2011

Home Sweet Home

7/15/2011:  10:20 PM

taco time
Well, we made it. We made it through the tests and procedures and the long drive home.  I figured this morning would be a little rough because Davis had to take all of his normal medications but could not consume much water to rinse the horrible taste down or food to absorb the meds. God touched him, and miraculously he kept them down. 

He was off to the procedure center at 10:30 this morning. Davis becomes very nervous about the "falling asleep" part.  They allow us to stay with him until he is unconscious.  The first time he was put under, he was counting. Today as he fell asleep, he was talking about tacos and spaghetti. He had talked about wanting tacos all morning, so when he was getting his procedures done, Kyle ran to Taco Bell and bought him tacos.

Davis sailed through the biopsy and tap.  He was back in his room by 1:00 PM.  He managed to devour four tacos before Kyle jumped in to pace him.  The Predisone makes him hungry and all the other meds make him sick to his stomach. Tacos are not pleasant coming up, so even though he wanted more tacos, we decided four was enough.

mr. dan and davis
Shortly after 2:00 PM, Davis was given his IV chemo injections. With only an upset stomach and headache as his side effects this afternoon, he tolerated the chemo pretty well. 

Mr. Dan, the Ashmore custodian, dropped by for a visit. His wife was seeking treatment at Barnes.  It was quite a surprise to see him today! Davis loves Mr. Dan, as do all of the kids at Ashmore Elementary.

The hospital began to feel more like home before we left.  The Markleys, a family from Ashmore, were a few doors down seeking treatment for their son's illness (not cancer), and our roommate and family were from Rantoul. 

We managed to leave the hospital before 5:00 PM.  Davis suffered from some motion sickness as Kyle maneuvered through the city traffic.  Davis eventually fell asleep and slept until we were almost home.

Home Sweet Home . . . There is nothing like it. Kyle's Aunt Melinda and Aunt Shirley, mom, Grandma Hawkins, my nieces, and Annakate cleaned/sterilized the house. I am so grateful. That allowed us to come right in and focus on care for Davis. Unfortunately, Davis isn't well enough to really enjoy the comforts of home. Our kitchen table has become a make-shift pharmacy.  Davis takes nearly ten different medications.  I measure the amounts and then record the times in which he takes them to create a record. If he becomes sick, I know which medications will have to be repeated.  Most of the medications are to control side effects of the chemo.

finally home!
We didn't realize how much we missed Annakate until now. We are proud of her. She has been so patient and understanding through this. Before the diagnosis, she was definitely our high maintenance child. She just demands more attention than Davis. Davis spends hours playing with legos or bakugons in his bedroom by himself, and Annakate wants to play with us. She seems to understand that Davis needs us now. We by no means neglect her, and we try to give her as much time and attention as we can afford. We are still adjusting to the new normal.  We are just so thankful to be a family again.

We are looking forward to spending a great deal of time at home. Davis is nearly homebound. The risk for infection from germs is too great as his numbers continue to drop. Because of his blood transfusion, his hemoglobin was up to 9.4, but all other counts are falling. We are going to great lengths to keep home safe and sanitary for him. 

Davis will have blood drawn for a CBC panel at the beginning of every week here locally. This will help us monitor his counts. Sarah Bush will contact SLCH, who will contact us. It is very likely that we will have to go down to St. Louis on occasion or weekly for red blood cell and platelet transfusions. We will also be going to St. Louis every Friday for chemo treatments and doctor's visits.

We are happy to be home. This in itself is an answer to prayers. Many children never leave the hospital during the induction phase, and we are fortunate to go home on Day 7 (of 29 days). We still need prayers. Davis is still trying to come to terms with his sickness.  He is very emotionally vulnerable when he feels the worst. He still seeks understanding. I have no answers. I feel like I offer him the same encouragement over and over again. After the anger and sadness subsides, and another wave a nausea hits, he just closes his eyes and whispers, "Mom, just pray for me. Please pray right now." And I do. I pray my guts out. And then he is better. We know that God is always with us, but sometimes He feels close enough to touch - to hold.

We are forever grateful for all of the prayers, positive thoughts, and encouragement that we have received thus far. We wouldn't be where we are right now without them.  We are still praying and believing for remission in 23 days.

Thank you in advance for your continued prayers.  Keep you posted.


  1. Hurray! So glad to hear you are home! :) Continued prayers of praise for your triumphs and prayers of healing and understanding heading your way - all the way from Okinawa!

  2. Welcome home! So, glad you got to come home this early in the process, most definately an answer to prayers. Glad Mr. Dan was able to stop in and see you guys - what a great man he is. Still praying for healing and for peace.
    Tell Annakate way to go on being such a great sister/daughter and being so helpful :)

  3. Amanda and Kyle,

    Thinking of you all-- so glad Davis is at St. Louis Children's-- their pediatric hematology/oncology group is beyond compare. I haven't met him, but it's clear Davis is a phenomenally strong little man-- just like his parents. If you need ANYTHING at all from a pediatric critical care or anesthesia perspective, please feel free to contact me, 410-814-1218 or or just to be another set of ears. Praying for a quick remission and ANC's that rebound with lightning speed through induction and maintenance! Love, Sapna

  4. So glad that you are all finally home!! We hope you all will have peaceful comfort and rest tonight. Praying that Davis is feeling better, and will gain strength with each new day. Please let us know if we can do anything at all. Our love to all of you!!!!
