Sunday, July 10, 2011

Morning Birthday Blues

7/10/2011:  8:33 AM

Well, Davis is officially 10!  It is unreal for me to believe that ten years ago, I was laying in the hospital bed holding my baby, and I woke up doing the same. 

Davis was a little tearful when he realized that we forgot "special plate".  Kyle and I painted a dinner plate the summer we were first married.  Every birthday - and only on the birthday - it is used for birthday breakfast.  It is just another tradition we have in our family.  Much to our dismay, we have forgotten special plate. Kyle explained to Davis that he can eat on special plate when he gets home, but Davis is not a rule-breaker and refuses.  It saddened him to think he has to wait a whole year to eat on special plate.

Just talked to the nurse.  The numbers are looking good. His ANC (the immune system) is over 3000 as of today.  His blasts (cancer cells) have dropped from 9 to 2.  Eventually, eveything will be wiped out:  his white blood cells, red blood cells, platelets, etc, and everything will be restored.  He is responding to chemo. Thank you, Jesus.

We just found out that Davis's hemoglobin dropped to 7.8 from 8.4 over the last couple of days, so he will have a blood transfusion today.  We like blood transfusions because they give Davis an abundance of energy, and he's going to need it today.

We are looking forward to a whole day of celebrating!

Keep praying!

Keep you posted.



  2. Happy Happy Birthday Davis!!! Love you!!! :)

  3. Happy birthday Davis! Praying for you

  4. Happy Birthday Davis!!
    We are all praying for you and we miss you all.
    Love you!


  5. Sending Blessings from California ♥
    Our family is praying for your healing

    Oh, by the way, Happy Birthday Davis! ♥

    a friend & neighbor of Aunt Courtney's ...
    Teresa and Jeremy Carns
    and all our kids :)
