Sunday, July 24, 2011

Easy Breezy Weekend

sick of mom taking pictures
or just sick

7/24/2011:  4:00 PM

I am not going to sugarcoat it. Friday night was rough.  Davis cried for well over an hour and he refused to take his medication. Kyle and I tried our good cop/bad cop routine for awhile, and eventually, I just called his hemo/oncologist for a what-do-I-do pep talk. Amazingly, within thirty minutes, Davis had regrouped and was ready to take his medication despite a horrific stomach ache. We did not need to take him to the ER or give him anti-anxiety medication as the doctor had recommended.

Overall, it has been a pretty peaceful weekend. Davis still hates taking his medicine, but he does it. He continues to have very little energy, so 99% of his time is spent in the recliner or on the little blow-up mattress that is set up in the living room. He detests his new acid reflux medication, so he opts to control what he eats to cut down on the reflux.  This allows him to cut his dose from twice a day to once a day. He has definitely experienced a crash course in real-life cause-and-effect situations.

plain fun
Davis has struggled with muscle weakness in his legs due to one of the chemo medications. We noticed it on Friday. He could barely walk; and when he did, he was slow and awkward.  It was as though he had to will his legs to work. We have noticed that today his legs appear to be working a bit better. Amazingly, he has no mouth sores or hair loss . . . yet. He does continue to lose weight despite eating all of the time. The doctors don't seem to be nervous, but he is quite thin. Davis has been so fortunate to have not experienced some of the more serious side effects of his chemo; he is blessed.

feeling better today
Kyle was the preacher this morning as I went to church.  Kyle and I rotate services.  I was outdone from my service last week. Kyle actually broke out a microphone for song service. When Annakate and I came from church, Kyle and Davis told me all about their church service.  Kyle taught on the story of Jacob. Davis said, " Yeah, if I am like Jacob, I can have two wives in fourteen years." Hmm.  Davis is either super funny or he completely missed the point of the lesson.  I am assuming the former. :)

We continue to hang out at home and watch all the Disney and Nickolodean shows we can stand. I can't say that I mind all of the quality time we get with one another; I just wish it was under different circumstances. We are believing for remission on August 5th, and wish that you would continue to pray with us. God responds to faith. We firmly believe that Davis would not be doing as well as he is without your thoughts and prayers, and we are forever grateful for your kindness.

We will keep you posted.


  1. Our church family is still praying for many people asking about his progess It is amazing how much people really do care. Looking forward to the total remission..we too are believing it will happen!!

  2. I too continue to pray for remission and a cure for Davis! Our church family continues to pray for the same thing.
    Davis - keep taking that medicine, even though you don't like to take it. Sometimes we have to do the yucky stuff to get the end result we desire. You are a strong young man and I know that you can fight this difficult fight.
    Annakate - I am sure you are doing a great job at being a big help to Davis, mom and dad - keep it up!
    Amanda and Kyle - praying for you too. I cannot imagine what it is like to watch your child go through this difficult time. You continued faith is a strong testament to many people!
    Praying for God's blessing on your family :)

  3. You guys are continously in my thoughts and prayers. I am blown away by Davis's tenacity and the faith that you all have and share. It blows me away every time I read a post and the strength and convictiion you all have with your faith is truly moving.

    Henry says Hi to Davis and says "go Davis Go!!" He is rooting for him to get better (as we all are!)
