Monday, July 11, 2011

Killing Time

7/11/2011:  7:30 PM

I blogged last night that we had a great day (which we did) and no sooner than I finished blogging last night, Davis had another homesick spell.  It breaks our hearts.  We want nothing more than to take him home, but we want him home when he is healthy enough to be there.

davis expressing his love
for broccoli
We watched Beetlejuice last night.  Since it was approaching midnight, I wouldn't let Davis start another movie, but he was content to watch WipeOut on Hulu. 

His blood levels today continued to drop.  His healthy white blood cells are critical, his platelets dropped as did his ANC, but both in healthy norms at this point.  He had 4 blasts (cancer cells) present today, which was up from yesterday's 2.  It will take a while to get the cancer out of his marrow.  We know that his counts and levels will continue to drop as the chemo progresses, and it is a good sign when his numbers drop because that means the chemo is working.  Nevertheless, it bothers me to think that my otherwise healthy son is inching his way closer to harder times.  It is hard to adopt the concept that one must get much sicker to get better. 

how davis really feels
about broccoli
Today, Davis received an IM.  Basically, that is chemo that is injected into the leg muscles.  The nurses were kind enough to numb his skin before simultaniously giving him injections in both legs. Unfortunately, nothing could be done for the stinging and burning once the medicine was pushed in.  But boy, he was a trooper.  I am not sure he even shed a tear.

Poor Davis. The Prednisone has increased his appetite; however, the chemo has started working and now nothing tastes right or good.  We keep putting a variety of foods in front of him; sometimes he eats, most of the time he doesn't. This is very frustrating to him - and to us.

We had some more visitors today.  The day seemed to fly by. The Walters family stopped by, and Davis's counts were still high enough that we were able to go down to the Edison Room (a side room by the cafeteria) for a ten minute visit. It was short but very sweet.  Uncle Randy came and kept us company.  Mick and Marcia Cox stopped in too. And Tia, a friend from church, and her friend, Lindsey came for a visit too.  We are so thankful for all of our visitors as it passes the time.

We have been reading all of the posts and Facebook messages to Davis.  He just smiles.  He can't believe how many people are still thinking about him.  His buddies text him, and that perks him up a bit too. And the cards . . . Davis has had a ton of mail.  I know several of you have requested a mailing address:  1 Children's Place, Rm #917B, St. Louis, MO.  I have no idea on zip code. It took him a good long time to read mail from his "fan club" today. You are all so wonderful to keep the continued positive thoughts coming our way.

We have increased the time we are spending in his room in an effort to protect Davis from germs. It seems like we went from a-little-dirt-is-good-for-you and five-second-rule parents to germaphobes.  Well, not really, but we are acutely aware of germs and sanitation now.  Kyle even joked today that the 10' X 10' plastic bubble room would be set up when we got home. 

davis and nurse brittany
The doctors and nursing staff here are fantastic.  Davis has even formed attachments to a couple.  His day nurse last week comforted him through a lot of scary things, and it doesn't hurt that she is really pretty.  His weekend night nurse was awesome too.  Well, he was a guy, he colored Davis a cool birthday poster, and he rarely let Davis's IV machine beep.  (IV towers beep all of the time it seems.  They usually sound alarms when there is air in the line, when fluids/meds are running low, or when the battery is low.)

lego monster
Davis's DS has been his best friend lately.  Yesterday, he received a fairly large Star Wars lego kit to put together. Kyle and I were sure that it would take the remainder of the week to put that 592 piece monster together.  We were wrong.  He started it last night and finished it up this afternoon. It is quite impressive.

Tomorrow should be another day of killing time and watching numbers.  No real treatments (other than maintenance and Prednisone) are expected.  He will have a blood transfusion if his hemoglobin dips below 7.  (Today it was 7.2.)  Blood transfusions sound scary, but they are given out like candy to leukemia patients.

Well, we started watching "How To Eat Fried Worms", but Davis thought it was terrible, so it looks like we are watching "Pirates:  Dead Man Chest".  We have been blessed with popcorn galore for movie marathons; we have even popped bags for our roommate.  Looking forward to a peaceful night sleep.

We want to continue to ask for prayers for remission in 26 days or so. Davis will also need strength for the really rough days ahead.  We are praying for good counts with minimal sickness.  We have also started praying against long term effects of the chemo medication because the list of potential issues is very long.

We love and continue to rely on the support of our family, friends, community, and church. My Oakland family (bosses, teachers, parents, students) has also been a pillar of strength to us as well. Our relationship with God is stronger than ever, and we are believing for our healing.  We believe God has a special plan for Davis; therefore, He has His hand on our son. 

We will keep you posted.


  1. Beetlejuice, huh? Good choice. Keep those classics coming. :)

  2. Thank you for all the updates. We think of you often. I'm glad Davis is doing so well. :) I just looked up Children's address and the zip code is 63110, in case anyone needs it.

  3. we continue our prayers for healing...Love you all...

  4. Days go slow for us until we hear about what is going on. You don't know how much comfort it gives us to hear from you. I hope it is not too difficult to keep us informed. It truly is our life line to you. Love you and praying for you all. It is also hard to make sure no spelling errors and that my grammar is correct. I know the teacher in you. lol

  5. Mandy, I check your blog every day and pass on the news to Kirsten, Tory, Brett, Donna (my sister-in-law) and other friends in Arizona who are praying for Davis and all of you. Davis,that was quite some Star Wars model. You have a lot more patience than I.

  6. My heart goes out to all of you. When I heard about this I couldn't believe how in a few short months someone's world could change so drastically but our God is an amazing God and I do believe prayers will be answered. Please tell Davis I said hello and let him know he is in my thoughts and I am keeping him and your family in my prayers. God Bless!

  7. We sure are hoping and praying that you all will be able to come home soon!! Hope this has been a good day for you and will be a restful night too. LOVE AND PRAYERS............
