Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Each Day - A Little Easier

7/19/2011:  8:00 AM
davis and nurse annakate

What a difference a day makes!  Davis is feeling considerably better (at least by my standards). He is sleeping soundly, and although the tummy ache is always there, it is tolerable. He doesn't fight us as much when it comes to taking his medication, but he isn't necessarily compliant either. But it does seem that each day is getting better.

Yesterday, we noticed quite a large lump to the left of the spot where he had his last spinal tap.  We called the hemo/oncologist clinic out of concern.  They were not concerned. We do have to keep an eye on certain symptoms: redness around lump, hot to the touch, fever, pain. He is not exhibiting any of these symptoms, so they reassured us not to worry.  They plan on checking it out when Davis gets his chemo on Friday.

the appetite is back

Today, Davis is going to SBLHC to get some blood drawn.  Sarah Bush will run a CBC count on his blood and call it over to St. Louis.  St. Louis will call us with the results today or tomorrow. If his red blood cells or platelets are low, we will head over to St. Louis for a transfusion.  I can't imagine that being the case, because Davis looks pretty good to me.

We are still going to great lengths to keep Davis safe from as many germs as possible.  Lysol is my new best friend.  We also have a new habit of showering after visits around bunches of people (church, Wal-Mart, etc.). Laundry has really increased too.

Speaking of increases . . . Davis's appetite. Despite having an upset stomach, this kid eats all of the time. I can't really get him to eat sweets or fruits; he craves heavy, sodium-filled foods. He is eating cheesy mashed potatoes covered in pepper for breakfast. At midnight last night, he ate two pieces of Canadian bacon pizza. Of course, Annakate doesn't like or want anything that he is craving, so we eat different meals. I am a bit surprised that despite eating food now, he is terribly thin. He is practically skin and bones. The mother in me just wants to fatten him up

cartoon tuesday

Davis's spirits are improving and his anxiety is decreasing. He still continues to receive a great deal of cards and texts full of concern and encouragement. My Oakland family helped his spirits quite a bit yesterday. My friend Marla, a cancer survivor with whom I work, wrote Davis a really touching letter.  She reminded him that cancer is not the "Big C"; it is a little c because we put our trust in Christ, who is the "Big C".  Nearly every day before school last year, Davis, Annakate, and I would pray for Marla and Pam (another Oakland cancer survivor), and now these ladies are praying for and encouraging him. The Meyer family stopped by (well, just the Meyer ladies) and brought us a spaghetti meal, which will be lunch today. Davis can't wait. 

We continue to thank you all for all that you do.  We are still praying and believing for complete remission forever at the end of induction. We also ask that you continue to pray for his strength. He is doing comparatively better than most children at this stage, so we know the prayers are working. We are praying against side effects as well.  It seems Davis just starts feeling better, and then he is pumped full of more chemo.  We love and appreciate your support, encouragement, and prayers.

We will keep you posted.


  1. I hadn't been on the blog for a couple of days. I am so glad Davis is eating again! I also loved the scripture quotes! I am sure you did an awesome job with the "church service" at home - it is great to hear about your faithfulness in God and His healing power. I continue to pray daily for healing for Davis and for the rest of the family! Please let me know if there is anything I can do for you - anytime - day or night. I know you have wonderful family support, but if anyone needs anything let me know. May God's love and peace continue to bless your family.

  2. Hi Davis - My name is Mrs. Jackie I am Sasha Edwards' ballet teacher. Sasha became ill with leukemia 21/2 years ago.Sasha is a wonderful young lady, a beautiful dancer,loving ,caring and she was VERY sick.I wrote to her almost every day to encourage her and let her know that I was praying for her and would let everyone that I knew put her on their prayer list. Do you know what? Those prayers WORKED!!!!!! It will take some time ,prayers (of course),patience, lots of MEDICINE and COURAGE. YOU CAN DO THIS!!! So take courage, young man,take your medicine (it doesn't have to taste good) it just has to WORK - and just like the little engine that could keep saying "I think I can, I think I can,I think I can".Sasha and her Mom Charlene will be contacting you and your family - they can be very helpful because you will have lots of questions and concerns.Sasha and her family spent a lot of time at SLCH and they were very thankful for all of the excellent love and care they received. Sasha is well today thanks to this wonderful program. Sending you prayers and love Mrs. Jackie (Jerry is my husband)
