Friday, July 22, 2011

The First Light at the End of a Long Tunnel

7/22/2011:  5:00 PM

taking advantage of an
opportunity to snuggle

Yesterday. . . PRAISE REPORT! Dr. Barone, Davis's primary oncologist, called us yesterday with fantastic news. At diagnosis, Davis had 80% of cancer blasts in his bone marrow.  After one week of chemo, Davis had less than 20%.  He is responding well to the chemo.

Today . . . We just made it home from St. Louis. Our day started at 5:30 AM, and we are finally home after a long day of . . . well, after a long day.  We met with Davis's hemo oncologists first thing. There were some changes and additions to his medications. Most of the changes and additions were to beef up medications to help with his nausea and acid reflux. 

not thrilled in
clinic waiting room
Davis was very nervous about accessing his port.  The nurses talked him through everything they did.  He was so brave. He did experience some discomfort - pain - because the port site is still healing and is very tender.  After Davis's port was accessed and blood was drawn for a CBC, we were allowed to go to the chemo lounge. Chemo patients are given recliners to sit in while undergoing treatment. Chemo treatment can't begin until the CBC is back from the lab. The doctors need to make sure that Davis's blood counts are strong enough for him to endure the chemo.  If not, he would need to undergo transfusion(s) first.

the doc's on
her way

They began chemo not too long after we had eaten lunch in the chemo lounge. The nurse went over his CBC draw with us.  I was not at all prepared with the numbers that she gave us.  It is quite amazing how blood count numbers fluctuate so quickly and often with a cancer child on chemo.  Davis's white blood cells were down to a whopping .5. (Healthy kids range from 5.0 - 10.0.)  This is to be expected because the cancer is in the white blood cells.  His ANC (immune system basically) was 792 on Tuesday, and healthy children are above 1500.  Davis's ANC today was 80.  The doctors and nurses reassure us all of the time that children manage just fine daily with ANCs of zero, but it still makes us a tad bit nervous.  Needless to say, it definitely looks like we are on lockdown until his numbers start bouncing back.  
and let the chemo begin

We have discovered that the couple of days following Davis's big chemo treatments are the worst.  So far, despite not feeling well, he is managing to eat a little and complain a little less. I am assuming that we may start to see more effects (loss of hair, mouth sores) from the chemo since we are now three treatments into induction. We are praying that the side effects, whatever they may be, are minimal and non-damaging.

 The date has been set. August 5.  Davis will have one more week of IV chemo (next week), and on August 5th, he will have another bone marrow biopsy and spinal tap to see if he is indeed in remission.  We are believing and praying for remission and a CURE on that day.  We have seen great healing already. We continue to ask for your support and prayers for Davis. The Bible states:  (Matthew 21:22) And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive, and (John 14:14) If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it. We are asking in prayer and believing that God is healing our son.

We will keep you posted.


  1. Love you Davis and Papa and I are praying without ceasing!

  2. hey davis its cora and i just wanted to say i love you and hoping and praying everyday that you are fully healed love you so much

  3. One day closer...! :) Keep fighting the good fight!

  4. Hi Davis & family. I am thankful for the good report. Kim is at ladies retreat this weekend. I'm sure you have lots of powerful prayers going up for you from church camp too! See ya soon, Steve

  5. I am so glad to hear that you guys are doing well! It took me a while to find your blog...but I am so glad I found it. It is so bizarre to compare because it seems like we are going through the exact same things-even down to building the same legos. Davis, we pray for you and when people come in to pray with us we remember you then too!
