Saturday, July 9, 2011

Another Day Down

7/09/2011: 8:09 AM


I can't remember where I left off . . .

Davis spent most of the afternoon yesterday being hungry.  We finally have an official diagnosis.  Davis has T-Cell Acute Lymphocyctic (or Lymphoblastic) Leukemia. The bone marrow biopsy revealed that 80% of Davis's white blood cells are cancerous. Acute means that it is aggressive.  T-Cell is not as common as B-Cell, but is still as treatable.

kim, davis, and jan
We met with his pediatric hemo/oncologist to go over his "plan".  A plan is simply number of days of treatment, medications given when and how much, etc.  It is the roadmap.  Davis is in the induction phase which lasts 29 days.  A very hard 29 days.  He does take all the chemo meds every day. He will take prednizone every day, and the other five drugs are given at different times (mostly on Fridays).  We are hoping, if all goes well, he will be here another 8 days, and then he will be able to come home.  We will then travel back for treatment one day a week for the next three weeks.  He will continue to have procedures.  He will have to undergo additional spinal taps to put chemo in his spinal fluid and bone marrow draws and aspirations to see if the chemo is working.

grandpa and grandma fanello and davis
29 days.  Davis will undergo another bone marrow biopsy and aspiration.  This will determine if he is in remission.  In order to be in remission, cancer cells have to be less than 5%.  We are faithfully praying for 0% - a total healing.  If this is the case (and we are believing it will be), then Davis will undergo 6 1/2 months of a different type of chemo to keep the cancer in remission.  If he is still in remission after 6 1/2 months, he will receive what is called "monthly maintenance", which is meds and check-ups once a month for three years. 

After meeting with the hemo/oncologist, Davis had an echocardiogram.  This served two purposes.  The doctors had to make sure that his heart was strong enough to undergo the anesthesia for the portacath, and they needed to create a baseline for future echos. One of the side effects to one of Davis's chemo drugs is heart problems.  The risk increases the longer he is on the medicine, so his heart has to be monitored closely. Davis thought that was pretty fun, probably because it was painless and the tech gave him a bunch of squeezy balls so his Uncle Kurt can juggle for him. 

bunny suit
By 5:30 PM, Davis was off to surgery to receive his portacath and spinal tap.  Davis has been struggling with a ton of anxiety here (what 9-year-old wouldn't?).  The anesthesiologist was totally in-tune with Davis's fears and gave him an anti-anxiety medicine that was also caused amnesia.  Davis was seeing two of everything in a matter of seconds. Davis had requested that I stay with him until he fell asleep.  The policy is that we can see him to the OR door and wave goodbye.  The doctor, understanding how scared Davis was, gave be a bunny suit and allowed me to go into the operating room and be by his side until he was under.  That brought me as much comfort as it brought Davis.

Davis came through surgery and boy, was he hungry!  It had been 25 hours since he had any food or drink.  Sadly enough, he was not allowed to eat because of just coming out of anesthesia. He had Sprite and jello and graduated up to 8 bites of cheese pizza and 4 bites of M&M blizzard.

At 11:30 PM, Davis had his first chemo treatment.  The portacath is amazing. He was able to take all of his meds through the cath in his chest, and his prednizone was liquid.  They are giving him anti-nausea meds to counterbalance the sickness, but so far as good.

We were fast asleep by midnight.  Another night of movie mania helped.
davis, annakate, cora

This morning: 

Davis woke up sick to his stomach. However, he is craving chicken nuggets and fries.  He is so ready to get out of this room.  He actually wanted to go to the cafeteria last night, but the doctors wouldn't let him.  We are hoping they will left him off the floor today.


We had some more visitors yesterday.  My friend Kim and her mother Jan stopped in, Grandma and Grandpa Coffey, Cora, and Annakate hung around and left last night. Grandpa and Grandma Fanello made it in last night.

We are expecting more visitors today and are so excited! 

Many of asked about visiting rules.  This is what I know.  Grown-ups (people over 15) are free to visit anytime from 9 AM to 9 PM. People under 15 are only allowed on the entry floors and cafeteria.  If Davis's levels are ok and he is up to it, he is allowed to go to the cafeteria to visit his family and friends under 15.  However, he will be required to wear a mask.  We have been moved to room 917B.  We are moving up!  Kyle finally has a couch to sleep on, which beats the chair hands down.

We also ask that visitors be in good health.  The chemo suppresses the immune system, so Davis and all of the kids on this floor, can't fight infections. We don't want to put any of these precious angels at risk.  

Thanks and Prayers

Yummy fruit bouquet from
the Kearneys.  Thanks!
It's delicious!
We can't begin to thank everyone for the devoted prayers and positive thoughts.  Our hearts are forever touched by the outpouring of encouragement for our family.  We know that we are not alone, as many families face similar circumstances every day, but it is still lonely being away from home, family, and friends.  We know that we will be forever indebted to you.  

We hope to know the results of the spinal tap from yesterday.  We are praying against cancer being found there.  However, if it is, it will be treated in the same manner as the preventative measures already in place.  We are also praying against fevers.  That indicates infection and slows the treatment process.  Plus, it could mean possible complications.  We are praying for good health and spirits so Davis can return home and sleep in his own bed in 8 days.  Most importantly, we pray for healing.  We know that God is our Healer, and we are counting the days until remission!

I can not stress enough how much you all mean to us, and Davis is astonished by all those pulling for him back home. 

Please keep praying.

We will keep you posted.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday, Davis!
    Your cousins,
    Brandon, Staci, Jackson & Griffin

    Amanda & Kyle,
    Our thoughts and prayers are with you guys. We include you in our prayers every night. Jackson said that Jesus and the Doctors and all Mommys and Daddys were going to help heal Davis. We said we know that is true. We love you all!
