Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The Ominous Hair Talk

7/13/2011:  4:47 PM

feeling sick and tired
Simply understated: awful last night and morning. The docs have been adjusting Davis's medications.  One of the chemo meds is causing Davis to have severe jaw pain.  The side effect causes nerve inflammation and irritation.  There are times that Davis can't chew or talk. He has been taking pain medication every four hours to help out until the medicine that treats that side effect starts working. The chemo is starting to upset Davis's stomach.  He rarely wants to eat, but he has to eat to keep the medicine down. It is a vicious cycle. While the doctors are letting the chemo work, they are managing the symptoms of the side effects.  Davis will be taking 8-10 different medications and chemo at home and will come once a week to the clinic to get his IV chemo.

sis. lisa, davis, pastor shine

The Hair Talk . . . Davis loves his hair. He has always fought haircuts.  He loves his hair so much that he even packed a squirt bottle, so he could wet down and style his hair every day. So naturally, we were dreading the hair talk.  Kyle had hoped to conquer the hair talk at home.  He was going to let Davis shave his head before Davis had his head shaved or have a head shaving party as our church has done in the past. Davis is a very smart young man, and we were sure that he had already figured it out. Today, the nurse was talking to Davis's roommate about hair loss. Davis asked Kyle if he (Davis) would lose his hair. Kyle assured him he would probably lose his hair.  Davis responded, "Well, I could lose a little in the back, but I want the front to stay like this. I like my bangs." I wanted to laugh and cry at the same time. If only chemo patients could pick and choose where they lost their hair and how much they lost. God timed our visitors perfectly, because our ministers, Pastor Shine and Sister Lisa, walked in as did Davis's child life specialist, Lauren. (Child life specialists are people who explain terminology in kid terms.  They are educator-types who look after the psychological well-being of the child.) We reassured Davis that he would be allowed to wear hats and caps almost always, and he was ok with it. Whew!  We are amazed at how well that went. 

We skyped for the first time this morning. Grandma Marylee helped the cousins skype and Great Grandma Coffey even visited with Davis for a few minutes. We hope to skype other family members when Davis feels up to it.

uncle terry, aunt bev, and christina
stopped in for a visit
Home . . . As of now, we are at track to go home on Friday.  Davis will have a bone marrow biopsy and aspiration to check the chemo progress and a spinal tap to place more chemo in his spinal fluid.  He will also get his IV chemo treatments (the nastier ones).  If all goes well (and we are praying and believing that it will) and he does not develop a fever, we will be released.  We will still come back once a week or more for treatments and transfusions, but we will be sleeping in our own beds again. It will take some time to adjust to the "new" normal. We will be going fewer places, scanning visitors carefully, watching diets and food intake, and monitoring Davis non-stop, but these are super small inconveniences working towards a much bigger and more important goal - a healthy son.

We continue to love and appreciate the support and prayers.  The texts, FB messages, blog posts, phone calls, cards, visits have been uplifting and are valued.  We are still counting the days until remission knowing the medicine will work and God will provide.  We still need the prayers for healing and strength.  This the hardest thing we have ever faced, and we often wonder how families do this without the support of family, friends, church family, community, and without faith in God.  We are eternally grateful for what we have.

Keep you posted.


  1. sending our love and prayers your way. We continue to pray for God to restore Davis to full health... love gpa and gma arnold

  2. No pain is greater than seeing your child so sick Mandy, We pray for Davis and for you and Kyle. The strength that it takes to get through this can only come from God. Dear God watch over this precious family...Amen

  3. hey davis this is from cora i just wanted to tell you that i cant wait untill you get home and i know that you will loose your hair but now you get to wear your cardinals cap and colts hat even more i love you and so does god i will keep praying for you every day and night and again cant wait until your cora :)

  4. hey davis cora is a really fast typer i hope i become like her. i heard about your hair i feel sad for you. when you get home you will get your own bathroom. and you'll have so much fun;. i love you so much. i am watching lemonade mouth and its your favrite song my writing is so bad grandma hast to edit it, its so funny,love;annakate

  5. Davis.....from my experience with the hair thing, I have coined the phrase..."Hair is OVERRATED" I lost my hair after three treatments, two years ago. Showers are sooo much faster, and ya dont have to worry about bedhead!! You dont know me, but I am 48 years old and my kids go to the school that your wonderful mom teaches at. It was hard when it all fell out, but its ok! The true, REAL you is whats inside and people will love you no matter how much hair you have. I have started getting my hair back and all is good. I also have a great collection of ball caps, some signed by some pretty awesome people. I also made it fun for my daughters volleyball team and when they would win a game, they all got to sign my bald head with a sharpie!! Its still you, so dont worry about it and have fun with it. Hugs to you and your family and God is definately taking care of you!!!
