Sunday, July 17, 2011

On the Upswing

7/15/2011:  3:48 PM

I think we are on the upswing.  My guess is that a bunch of people prayed for Davis all at the same time this morning because he is feeling exceptionally better. Davis has managed to eat today, and boy, is he eating!  He has eaten a piece of cheese pizza, a bowl of Pagliai's spaghetti, and two corn dogs.  He wants another, but we are holding him off until he adjusts to his new nausea medicine. 

He is more of a conversationalist today, and he has smiled more today than I have seen in days. I can't tell you how awesome it feels to see him smile. 

Well, church at home wasn't much like the real thing.  I did my best.  I made it very clear this morning that I am no Casey (a worship leader and piano player at our church).  I haven't really  mastered the whole singing and playing the piano thing, so I gave up on the music.  The sermon - and I am using the term loosely - consisted of mostly healing scriptures.  Davis seemed to enjoy it (partly because it was only ten minutes long).

The rest of the day has been filled with Scooby Doo marathon.  It feels like I have seen every Scooby Doo ever made, and nevertheless, I am still awful at predicting the culprit at the end. Davis gets is right nearly every time; it must be a kid power that I have outgrown.

Well, we are praying that Davis's good feeling streak continues.
I am going to conclude with some of the scriptures that were in my lesson this morning.  I often reference these in an effort to keep them close to my heart. Plus, I wanted to post some pictures of Davis on the upswing. :)

Psalm 103:3
Praise the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits--who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases.

Psalm 107:20
He sent forth his word and healed them; he rescued them from the grave.

Psalm 118:17
I will not die but live, and will proclaim what the LORD has done.

Mark 11:23-24
"I tell you the truth, if anyone says to this mountain, `Go, throw yourself into the sea,' and does not doubt in his heart but believes that what he says will happen, it will be done for him. Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.

Keep you posted.


  1. Boy is it nice to see a smile on that sweet face of his...praying that this all continues to go like it is right now...Preacher Mandy...I like it!

  2. Hi Davis,
    Glad you are home. This is our third attempt to post you a note (hopefully we'll get it right this time). Happy b-lated birthday!!!! Kim follows your progress everyday and I've been working extremely long hours so I haven't had a chance to try and figure out this blog thing yet. It was great to see your family at church today and look forward to seeing you too! Next time your Mom preaches, can I have the tape?
    Praying for you everyday. Love you all very much, Steve & Kim
