Thursday, July 28, 2011

Mixed Up Nights and Days

7/28/2011:  3:43 PM

ahhh, nap time
I hope Davis hasn't started a new routine. The last couple of days, Davis has experienced some great spurts of energy. The Vincristine (chemo med) has ran its course, and Davis's muscle weakness and leg pain have subsided.  However, after these spurts of energy, he crashes. He willfully takes 1-2 hour naps. No problem. But last night, Davis was awake three or four different times. He would kindly wake me up to tell me all about his dreams, or to see if he could get something to eat, or to see if it was time to get up yet.  Needless to say, this sleep-all-day and up-all-night routine reminds me very much of having an infant. 

almost like real camping. . .
On Tuesday, we received word that Davis's blood count was bouncing back.  On Friday, his ANC (immune system) was only 80.  (Reminder: Healthy children are above 1500, and anything under 500 is considered critical. Davis was over 3000 when admitted to Children's.)  His ANC on Tuesday was a little over 900!  Wow!  And all of his other numbers (red, white, platelets) were up a bit.  The nurse said it is very common for the numbers to fluctuate this much during the induction phase. 

Tuesday evening, Grandma and Grandpa Coffey came over for a camp fire roast.  Davis had a great time playing around the camp fire and visiting with people other than us. Although it was brief, it was enough to boost the spirits.

online shopping?

Despite feeling well, Davis is extremely pale. He will joke around and say, "Man, Mom. I need to lay out today; I am really pale."  I jump on the opportunity to get him outside in the pool, but he withers pretty quickly in the heat, and after five minutes, he is ready to head back inside. His hair continues to fall out, but he still has a ton of it. His ultra super thick hair is finally working to his advantage.

a little overdressed for swimming
Davis is taking his medicine without complaint now. Oddly enough, we have decreased his acid reflux and nausea medicine, and his reflux and nausea have decreased considerably. Davis will actually ask me if he can take his medicine, so he can get it out of the way.  What a change from a couple of days ago.  We will see what the weekend has to bring.
 We are amazed at the prayers being lifted up for Davis all over the nation and the world.  We were aware of some friends praying for Davis while on a mission trip in Uganda, and we know our friends, the Halls, are praying in Japan. We actually received a care package with Japanese candies and toys yesterday.  I was the only one brave enough to eat anything. Ummm. What I tried tasted like wet cat food. Something different to sample today, perhaps. :) We love and appreciate all of your prayers.  I am saddened for those who are going through similar situations and lack faith, family, and friends to lean upon. I can't even imagine . . .

"Mom, if I smile, will you
leave me alone?"

We want to thank all of you who continue to remember us in your actions and thoughts. We thank all of those who have provided meals over the last couple of weeks. I have only had to cook the incidental food that Davis craves:  corn dogs, chicken nuggets, and pizza rolls. We receive cards, phone calls, and texts filled with encouragement daily. We have even had a few visitors who don't mind standing outside on the front porch in the heat for a little chat.  We are forever grateful for your kindness. 

Tomorrow will be Davis's last chemo treatment before the bone marrow biopsy (Aug 5) to determine if he is indeed in remission. We are believing that he will be. He will then begin the second phase of chemo. We pray for remission and CURE!!  We ask that you do the same.

We will keep you posted.


  1. I am so glad that Davis is doing better. I had thought about sending something for him and Annakate, but reading about all that they have received, I am at a loss at what I could send that would be different.

    The blog is wonderful. I read it everyday and look forward to the photos. Davis has wonderful parents and family to take care of him. Life is not always an easy journey, but our Heavenly Father has a plan for all of us and through prayer he can guide us. I am sure that God is blessing all of you and will continue to bless you.

    Love, Virginia

  2. We are so glad that Davis has had a good week. We will be saying extra prayers for all of you as you travel back to St. Louis tomorrow. Sending our love to all of you too!!!!!!!!

  3. We think of you all often! Sending love and prayers your way!

  4. Who knows - maybe it WAS wet cat food. :) I realize how much I've taken literacy for granted now that I'm in a place where I can't read much at all. I hope the kids enjoy watching the brave mom sample the bizarreness. Ha!
