Friday, July 8, 2011

Hanging Out and Hungry

7/8/2011:  10:20 AM

Movie marathon was a success.  Davis was able to fall asleep with little anxiety.  This morning, he took a much needed shower.

Mr. Finn stopped by and gave him a birthday card and money.  That perked him up considerably.  Mr. Finn has provided wonderful encouragement about the long days ahead, and we appreciate the time he has taken to visit with us.

Davis can't have any food or drink until after his procedures this afternoon.  Needless to say, he is starving!  I can't wait to get food in his belly.

Good News . . .

The hemo/oncologist, Dr. Barone, just stopped in and confirmed the diagnosis of ALL, not the AML we were praying against.  She also informed us that during his spinal tap, they will be injecting chemo medicine in his spinal fluid.  This will kill the cancer if it is in his spinal fluid, or it will help protect his spinal fluid from the cancer if it has not spread there yet.

The Life Specialist just met with Davis and explained what his port is and what it will do, and she also used a visual demonstration to teach him what leukemia is and what his chemo will do. Wow.  This hospital is doing such a fantastic job informing Davis and us on what is going on in terms we all understand.

We are expecting many visitors this weekend, and we can't wait!  Grandpa and Grandma Coffey, Annakate, and Cora are here for a visit now.  Cora can't come upstairs because only siblings are allowed, so Davis is now on a field trip to the cafeteria to visit.  I think I will join them.

His procedures are scheduled from after 1:00 PM today. 

Thank you so much for all of the prayers and encouragement.  Keep 'em coming!

I will keep you posted.


  1. From our lips to god's ear, our unending prayers are for you all. Keep holding steady, this too shall pass.

  2. “The things which are impossible with men are possible with God.” (Luke 18:27)

    Keeping you all in prayer...prayers for comfort and healing.

  3. I am a Leukemia patient and will certainly be praying for your son and your family. If I can be of any help, or direct you to on-line support groups just let me know. There is also financial help through Leukemia and Lymphoma Society of America. My e-mail is: Feel free to contact.

  4. This is Ms. Whitney from Immanuel Lutheran. I am sending prayers for you Davis and for the whole family. I can only imagine how hard it is right now but I know that God is with you all and He will guide you through this.

  5. Thinking of all of you today. Still can't believe this is happening. So proud of you and Kyle in how you both are handling this crisis. You are an inspiration to me. Prayers for healing and strength for Davis. Prayers for the treatments to work quickly so we can get him back home. Love you sooooo much Aunt Con

  6. I can't imagine how exhausted all of you are right now. Thank you so much for the blog, I check it 2-3 times a day. We continue to pray for strength, comfort and healing. For God to wrap his arms around all of you and bring you peace............ Love and prayers
