Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The Power of Prayer

We cannot thank enough or begin to repay those who have interceded for Davis and us in prayer. We are comforted knowing that many have fasted and prayed countless hours - on their faces - for Davis. We serve a mighty God, who performs miracles every day.

The moving church services this past Sunday filled our faith and renewed our strength. 

We appreciate the outpouring of encouragement and support from all of you. We continue to need your specific prayers:  prayers of healing and strength. 


Davis is currently undergoing a blood transfusion because his hemoglobin levels are too low for the bone marrow draw and aspiration scheduled for later today. We are hoping to have a preliminary diagnosis this evening. Although leukemia and lymphoma are still very viable options, it is not out of the question that this illness has been caused by a virus or other illness. 

Whatever it is, we know that God has his hand on Davis and our family. And I firmly believe -- and remind Davis often -- we must weather the storms to enjoy the rainbows.

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