Sunday, July 10, 2011

Birthday Boy Feeling 10 Already

7/10/2100:  5:35 PM

What a great day.  Davis's doctor decided against the transfusion which kept treatment/maintenance low key today.  The only meds that Davis has to take today are the anti-nausea meds and Prednisone, so Davis is feeling great.

hard to blow out candles
through a mask
We had a ton of visitors.  It was awesome.  Grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and friends flowed in and out all day.  It was so nice to be surrounded by them. Grandpa and Grandma Fanello made arrangements with the hospital and organized a birthday party in a private room in the cafeteria.  This allowed Davis to see and play with all of his cousins. We had cake, ice cream cake, and pop.  Davis has been abundantly blessed with gifts and well wishes.  Since there is no real system of organization set up here, thank you notes will be a challenge, so I am sorry in advance for that. Davis received many cool gifts that will keep him busy in the weeks to come.

prayer blanket

Periodically throughout the day, I have been reading Davis well wishes that people have sent him for his birthday and health.  His nurse was in taking vitals and was asking who all the people were wishing him happy birthday.  The ones I had been reading him at that time were mostly from church family, and he responded to his nurse, "Those are from my church people.  I am kinda famous at my church."  He totally cracks me up.

Speaking of church . . .

Davis's Sunday school class created a special prayer blanket for him.  Sis. Dee, one of his Sunday school teachers, sewed him a blanket in his favorite colors, his friends and teachers signed it, and then they prayed on/over it.  They also made a picture album. Our church is filled with such amazing children who love the Lord . . and Davis. Davis misses church and is looking forward to Water Sunday next week if he is able and well enough to go.

Davis is already acting like a typical ten-year-old.  He was getting ready to go downstairs for his party when the nurse gave his dad a pediatric mask for Davis to wear.  It had little animals on it.  He looked at me and said, "Mom, I can't wear that. That is totally for babies."  So he had to wear an adult mask.  You will notice in the pictures that it swallows up his face, but I guess it was better than the "baby" one. 

davis and annakate

Annakate adjusts well to hospital life.  She is a breath of fresh air.  Today she walked in all dressed up. We all got a kick out of it. She has befriended Davis's oncologists and refers to one of the doctors as Dr. Samuel (his first name) because his last name is hard to pronounce.  Seeing Davis with his tower, port, mask, etc. doesn't phase her.  She acts as if it is completely normal, and we love that about her.  And boy, we miss her so much.

Tonight, we plan on taking it easy.  If we can get Davis off the DS long enough (He received a new game.), we hope to take him down to the garden on the 8th floor before his shower and movie marathon.  He received 7 or 8 new movies, and that should pass the night time for the next couple of days.

Treatment (chemo) will pick up again tomorrow.  Please pray for strength and for remission in  27 or so days.  Despite the circumstances, Davis had a great tenth birthday, and we thank God for him.  We know we are so very truly blessed.

Keep you posted.


  1. I work with Miss Pam. I think you are inspirational. I just want you to know how much we are thinking of Davis and your family during this time.
    Love, Seyda

  2. We had a wonderful time at the party today. It was so nice to see Davis cheerful and handling this well. As Davis prepares to walk this difficult road, always keep in mind that God does not give us what we cannot handle. This will make Davis strong in the long run. Find peace in the Lord and lean on him; from experience I will tell you, it is the only way through. Praying for you and loving all of you.

  3. Hey Davis,
    We want you to know that we prayed for you in church in Seymour, In this morning and have had you on our minds all day. While attending a birthday party for our 2 year old grandson last evening, I spoke with a doctor who was also there (8 doctors attended). I was encouraged for you as he explained why ALL is the most treatable form. Our son and daughter-in-law are both doctors in Seymour and that is the reason so many docs were at the party. We also want you to know that we pray for you every night and many times during the day. We know that the Lord will give you and your family strength and healing as you go through this difficult time. We are on the sidelines praying for you!

  4. Amanda,
    Could you please post the address where we could send cards to Davis? I have some church family who would like to send him a card!

    Still praying and will continue to pray for healing.

  5. Hi I am praying for from Annakate.

  6. Grandma Richie is sending kisses and hugs. Salisbury Church is all praying for you guys.
    Love ya so much

  7. I've just learned how to send a comment. I've never been on a blog before this. I just want Davis and all of you to know we have been praying for Davis. I love your notes and the pictures.

    Lots of love from Arizona and California.

    Cousins, Ginny, Kirsten, Tory and Brett
