Friday, March 2, 2012

A Whole Lot of Nothing Going On

3/2/2012: 7:14 PM

Yep. Still here. Not much of any change to report. Davis' ANC (immune system) is still zero. His platelets have dropped a bit too. He did have a four point increase in monocytes, so I am hoping that is a sign that his ANC is on the way up. A floor doctor told Kyle this morning that she has had patients that were in the hospitals for four weeks waiting on counts to build. Praying that is not the case here.

Just took this picture.
Kyle brought Annakate down last night. Despite having the worst of Fifth's behind her, she was not allowed on ninth floor. She is no longer contagious to healthy children, but no one was taking any chances with immunocompromised children. Kyle booked Annakate and me a hotel room, and he stayed here while we enjoyed a little girl time. I had not seen my baby since Sunday, so I was all too excited to be hanging out with her again.

The plan for the two of us was to sleep in and get a little shopping done. Despite having a pretty good sense of direction, I have an attachment to my TomTom for city driving, and it didn't make the trip. Well, instead of shopping, we spent the morning trying new routes to get to Children's.  I was pretty lost. Annakate served as the navigator piping directions from Kyle on my cell phone. When we finally made it back to Children's, we decided to walk to lunch and piddle around outside.

I took Annakate's picture in front of every cluster of blooming flowers we saw.
I think we both have spring fever.

Kyle and Annakate headed home this afternoon.  I miss them so much already.

We have a new room yet again. We are finally on a B side (a side with a window and a couch).  Yay! I slept three nights in a chair that shifts into a bed of sorts, so I am very thankful to be on a couch tonight.

New view.
Too funny. The nurse went into the bathroom, the door shut, and the
lock jammed. She was trapped. Several nurses came by to try to open the door, and
several nurses came by to laugh. Finally, maintenance was called, and she was freed.
The door no longer locks.

Davis has been finding ways to pass the time. Playroom time, one hour a day, is what he enjoys most. Kris, a ninth floor life specialist, is a big help and does little things to make him feel special.

Other than that, there is not much going on.  We will watch another movie tonight. I think Star Wars is what he picked out, and we will wait for counts to build.

We are praying for higher counts and a healthy son. We thank you for doing the same. Davis will remain on antibiotics until his counts recover. They are fighting any potential infection in his body for him now.

A picture of Davis and Wally taken yesterday.

A picture of Davis and Nelle taken seven months ago.
Davis has changed so much - and so little - in such a short amount of time.
Same beautiful smile.

We will keep you posted.

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