Friday, March 9, 2012

Heading Home

3/9/2012: 10:40 AM

I am giddy. The nurse came in this morning and told me that we would be going home today. The doctors confirmed that statement about twenty minutes later. Davis was removed from the antibiotics this morning, and he will be given products (that is what they are called in cancerland: packed red blood cells and platelets) before he can be discharged. Davis has to be pre-medicated for the platelets, so he is zonked. He has no idea that he gets to go home today.

Davis is holding up powder art. You peel numbered stickers and
shade the area with colored powder.
I don't know all of Davis' counts yet, but I do know his ANC (immune system) is 135. This is a far cry from the 500 we were wanting, but the doctors are pretty sure that Davis is trending up. I am hoping that he is over 500 in a few days.

Yesterday afternoon, Phillip, a volunteer at the hospital, stopped in to play Davis a song on his violin. This young man is quite talented. He can play any song that he has heard. He plays a lot of contemporary top 40 songs. Davis asked him to play "A Whole New World" from Aladdin. It was flawless. Phillip plays violin for the kids; he is actually studying to be a doctor.

Talented Phillip playing us a song
We just had a great visit with Kyle and Annakate last night. Davis made Annakate bacon in the microwave. We played in the playroom. We ate ice cream. We wrestled. The kids played on the computer. It felt like home. Annakate cried terribly when it was time to leave. I think I could physically feel my heart breaking when she was clinging to me. I worry about how Davis' illness is affecting her. Cancer has victimized her too. We will be reunited tonight. Far too long to be separated from one another.

More Wii

Projects galore

Yes, Kyle was super tired.
Hopefully, Davis' counts will spring up quickly. He is scheduled to have chemo and an LP (lumbar puncture/spinal tap) a week from today if his counts have recovered. The doctors have postponed his Septra (a medication he takes to prevent bacterial pneumonia) because it can suppress counts. He will restart his Septra when his counts are strong again. Although we have no idea what caused the fever that landed us in the hospital a couple of weeks ago, we are thankful that God had His hand on Davis, and he is getting better. Just one tiny bump in the road on this long journey.

Thank you for your support. We continue to appreciate it and need it.

We will keep you posted.


  1. So thankful you guys are heading home!! We love you all! Granny is so happy for you!

  2. Glad to hear you get to be home! I was making a trip to St. Louis on Monday to see our minister's son at Children's, was going to stop in and see you too! So glad you will be home though instead of in St. Louis! Again, thanks for the updates and I am still praying for complete healing! Enjoy the week of Spring break!

  3. So glad you are all finally home!! We continue to pray for counts to climb and a CURE. Sending our love to you!!
