Thursday, March 1, 2012

Been Four Days, Feels Like Forever

3/1/2012: 10:42 AM

Despite being stuck in the hospital, yesterday was a pretty good.

Davis woke up at 11:00 AM and  made sandwiches with Kris, a life specialist here on 9th floor.

He then played bingo and won some pretty neat prizes. He plays bingo from his room. The bingo game itself is televised, and when he has a bingo, he phones in and talks directly to the announcer on the television. It's pretty cool.

Caught his expression when he called in his first bingo
It wasn't long after bingo was over that Davis' Grandma and Grandpa Coffey came by for a visit. They visited for a few hours. It was a treat to have someone else to play with during Davis' scheduled playroom time.

Yesterday evening was hectic. His supper, which was ordered at a little after 5:00 PM, didn't arrive until 6:30 PM. Davis' roommate became very sick, so Davis and I hung out in the 9th floor playroom for quite some time. Davis was still trying to eat his supper at 8:15 last night. We finally settled in and watched movies on the computer until the wee hours this morning.

I told Davis to smile because I was taking a picture. He didn't bother to
look at me . . . but he did smile. I guess I wasn't specific enough.

He is sleeping right now. He has been sleeping until lunch time. The 8:00 AM dose of Benadryl really wipes him out.

I just found out that his ANC dropped from 15 to 0, and his platelets are down to 40 from 53 yesterday. The doctors are continuing the two antibiotics, because if he is fighting a virus, his body can't fight the infection. They are still wanting his ANC to be close to 500 in order to leave, so there is no discharge in sight. Davis does have a swollen knot on his forearm, and no one seems to know what it is, so the doctors are keeping an eye on it. I am keeping a better eye on it.

Your thoughts and prayers are much appreciated. Davis does feel great, and he is grateful to be in the hospital and not be feeling horrible.  I am not sure what we will do today. I know we will try to schedule some playroom time, but the rest of the day is up in the air.

We will keep you posted.

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