Thursday, March 8, 2012

It's About Time!

3/8/2012: 12:11 PM

Well, we have officially tied our hospital stay record. When Davis was diagnosed, he was admitted for eleven days. On this go-around, today makes day 11.

Yesterday sailed by pretty quickly. My in-laws, Gary and Marylee, came over for a visit. They played Bingo with Davis here in the room, and they played Wii with him during his scheduled private playroom time. We even went out to the garden some. Going to the garden is a rarity when Davis stays here. He never wants to go; I think it reminds him too much of home. At least that is what he has told me. It must be the outside of it all, because it's not like we have anything quite as beautiful as the garden with its unusual trees, stepping stones, and koi ponds at our house.

Davis still struggles with homesickness.  His friends text or call him occasionally, and that helps quite a bit. (Thank you, Drew and Wade!!) I think he feels a real disconnect from school. Spring Break couldn't have come at a better time. It starts next week for Davis. We can use Spring Break to get him strong and well, and then he can start back with the rest of the kids after break.

Yesterday, the doctors ordered a test to test Davis' IgG levels. I am not going to pretend I know much about this. Apparently, chemotherapy can wipe out one's immunoglobulin supply. If one's immunoglobulin supply is low, the activity in the bone marrow is suppressed, meaning the counts don't recover. The doctors can give a person IVIG therapy, basically a partial synthetical IgG transfusion, to help raise one's levels. Luckily, Davis' IgG test came back within normal limits. This could mean that Davis' low counts have been caused by a virus/bacteria infection. We may never know.

I haven't received a print-out of Davis' counts today, but I do know that his ANC (immune system) was 33 yesterday and is 70 today. The Fellow on call said he expects a couple of good jumps over the next couple days. You know what that means?  That means we are heading home in a couple of days! Davis has be in the triple digits and trending upwards agressively. The doctors also plan on transfusing him over the next couple of days. It appears now that Davis will only need hemoglobin, because his platelets jumped dramatically overnight.

An organization called Camp Rainbow is holding a camp-in on the ninth floor. Basically, it is a bunch of crafts and projects the kids can do to pass the time. Davis was interviewed by the Channel 5 news reporter concerning the Camp Rainbow camp-in, and the news feature is due to air on Monday or Tuesday. I will be sure to attach a link to the story when the story airs.

Channel 5 News Interview
We have met some wonderful children (and families) this week who have needs much greater than Davis'. I don't think I ever valued a smile on a child's face or the sound of laughter so much as I have in the time I have spent on 9 West. Joy finds its way into this little corner of misfortune. Please pray for the children battling cancer and send up positive thoughts in their honor.

Our prayer requests are always the same. We ask that God heals our son completely and forever.

We will keep you posted.

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