Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Update . . . Well, Kinda

8/30/2011:  9:41 PM

My poor baby.

Kyle took Davis to St. Louis today while I caught up on missing sleep from the last couple of nights and while I stay with Annakate to keep her in a routine and to rescue her from her homesickness.

Davis was admitted to Children's today. He is still running a fever and suffering from severe headaches and nausea. The doctors drew more blood for a CBC and culture. The culture from two days ago when he was in Sarah Bush didn't find any infection. His CBC today revealed an ANC over 3300 (Reminder: healthy kids are over 1500.). That means that his ANC has doubled every day since Sunday. The doctors told Kyle that this is an indicator that he may be fighting off an infection. From what I understand, Davis was given caffeine through his port to knock out his headache. If his headache was a headache caused by his spinal taps as suspected, the caffeine would take care of it. Well, he still has a headache. He was also given a bolus (a gob of antibiotics given through the port) and fluids. Another cause for admittance is that Davis refuses to eat or drink anything. The last time he really ate or drank was yesterday at lunch. There is a concern for dehydration. Bottom line: The doctors don't quite know what is wrong with Davis yet.

The doctors will re-evaluate Davis tomorrow and go from there. Hopefully, he will be able to come home tomorrow, but I do not want him home if he is not well.  Right now, he is where he needs to be.

Sadly, yet somehow comforting, Davis has ran into a couple of his new friends/old roommates in the hospital. It is unfortunate that Davis doesn't feel up to visiting; they are such sweet young men from great families.

All of this information is second-hand. I am relaying what Kyle has told me.

I am looking forward to hugging and holding my baby tomorrow. My job now is to pray, pray, and then pray some more.  Thank you in advance for your prayers and positive thoughts. We need them as always.

Mark 11:24:  Therefore I say to you, What things soever you desire, when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you shall have them.

My prayerful desire cloaked in faith: God is going to heal and cure my son.

1 comment:

  1. Still praying for you all. My heart hurts for you Mandy. I will hold you all in my thoughts and prayers today. Sending love
