Monday, August 8, 2011

Getting Back to Summer. . . Just in Time

8/8/2011:  5:20 PM

We had such a pleasant weekend . . . for the most part. Davis is chemo free for the week (other than what was put in his spine on Friday). The doctors cleared him for a few days of R and R while his counts build for phase two chemo on this coming Friday.  We are still very cautious because Davis's immune system is suppressed, and he is required to wear his mask while in public and wash his hands incessantly. He does take his mask off to eat and for pictures on occasion.

nothing is better than
fair food

Saturday, we were able to go to the fair long enough for Davis to fill his craving for fair food. We were nicely surprised when we discovered that there was all of thirty people on the grounds. I guess we picked the right time to go. After he had his much-craved orange shake-up, nachos, and snow cone, we headed home. We had an impromptu cookout with family, which provided much needed fellowship. Davis fizzled during the cookout and ended up on his little futon in front of the TV.  A few hours later, Davis was doubled over with intense tummy pain. We called the doctor who told us to wait it out a bit.  After some Oxycodone, he was peacefully resting. 

gotta love these kiddos
and sis. dee
On Sunday, Davis woke up with a migraine. He still managed to get ready for church. We are sure to sneak in and sit in a secluded area. I head in early and wipe down the area with Lysol wipes, which has become second nature whenever we venture out in public. Davis's headache got the better of him, and he fell asleep and slept the entire service. As he was sneaking out to the car, his friends, very eager to visit with him, posed for a quick picture.

waiting for food and fun

Davis was hoping to go to the Dixie Stampede for vacation this year, but the drive to one is longer than he can bear riding in a car. We decided that the Medieval Times might suffice. We headed up to Chicago after church and attended the show. The kids loved it!  It was quite a hit.

We had fears of staying in a hotel because of all of the germs. We took precautions by Lysol wiping all the surfaces down and spraying Lysol on the bedding and carpet. We brought his own bedding, and he wears shoes in the room. I guess we can never be too careful.

P.F. Chang's  . . . before the
first bite
 Davis has been complaining for the last couple of days that his skin hurts. He kept telling us that he had a sunburn. We knew he didn't because he had not been outside long enough to warrant any concern.  I figured he had dry skin. He doesn't like using lotion, and he has been soaking in baths much more than he ever has in his life. Dry skin . . .yep. I have been rubbing lotion on him since Saturday, and I picked up some Aloe after church and rubbed it up under his shirt to put his complaints to rest. Last night, it was a surprise to see that he had developed a lacy rash. Once again, another phone call to the doctor was made. It was agreed that it was probably a reaction or side effect of the Methotrexate that was placed in his spine. We are watching him for fever just in case it is not a side effect and is the beginning of a bacterial or viral infection.

he'll sleep well tonight
We ventured out today some. It was short lived. We ate a P.F. Chang's, and Davis became sick on bite #1 . . . headache, belly ache. We headed back to the hotel room, where he took a nap and woke up in a much better state. He even felt up to swimming. The hotel that we were staying at has a fantastic and super large indoor pool. The chemo medication placed in his spine makes him extremely sensitive to the sun, so the indoor pool was ideal. We practically had the whole pool area to ourselves (minus one other person).

We are so thankful that Davis and the rest of us were able to get away, even though it was short lived. And with the exception of a few hiccups, Davis has felt well and continues to build strength. We plan on using the rest of the week to get our affairs in order for the beginning of school.  I can't believe how quickly it is approaching.

We ask that you pray for strength for Davis. I worry about the upcoming chemo days that coincide with the starting of school. May the side effects be non-existent. We still pray for healing and CURE, as these are of the utmost importance. God works in His time, not ours.

Thank you. Thank you a thousand times over for praying with us.

We will keep you posted.


  1. So wonderful to hear you got to enjoy a little time away! Still praying for a cure! Good luck getting things in order for school!!

  2. We sure do enjoy seeing the smiling faces in the pictures!! So glad that you all had a nice mini vacation before school starts. We continue to pray for strength and healing. Sending our love to all of you!!!!

  3. It was wonderful to see you Davis, it looks like you had a good time on vacation! We continue to pray for you daily. Good luck on Friday! We love you so much!
