Thursday, August 4, 2011

Counting Down . .the Hours!

8/4/2011:  1:02 PM

Not a whole lot going on here.

love seeing him do
what he loves

Davis feels great and is going stir crazy. He is ready to get back to his summer:  boating, camping, slumber parties, Fair, canoeing . .  . all the things we do every summer, but haven't been able to do much of yet. He thinks he has it all figured out. He filled me in today, "After the biopsy tells us I don't have cancer anymore, I am going to the Fair on Saturday, and then on Saturday night, we are going to have a big party since I will be in remission."  I just don't have the heart right now to tell him that his plans are unrealistic. It seems I am always telling him no. I truly wish it played out that way though. The reality is that even though we are believing that he will be in remission tomorrow, his counts will still be monitored, he will still be susceptible to bacterial and viral infections, and he will still have many, many more chemo treatments. We are trying to find the balance between his old life and activities and his new life filled with medical concerns. Regardless of these new issues, as soon as his counts (blood counts - most specifically his immune system) are high enough, we plan on doing most of those things that he so loves and craves.

errand running
In the meanwhile, we continue to hang out here at home with the exception of when Davis runs errands with me. Errand running isn't really necessary, but it gives him an excuse to get out of the house but remain in a protected environment - the car. He did get to visit with his friend Wade today as I had to return some things to his mother. It was a quick visit outside, and Davis did nearly all of the talking. When we hopped back in the car, he said, "Mom, that was so fun. That was the best." Who knew that standing outside in the 85 degree heat in a driveway for ten minutes would be the highlight of his day? It dawned on him several minutes later that his friend Gage wasn't going to be in any of his or his buddies classes this year. With a concern tone, he frowned, "Mom, I am worried about Gage. He's not in our (his buddies) classes.What's he going to do?" I reassured him that Gage had many, many friends, the they would all see each other on the playground. I am just so moved that through this whole experience, Davis continues to worry not for himself but for others.  He has such a tender heart.
This is what we find
when Annakate hasn't
been properly tucked in.
Can't trust her to go to bed
on her own.

Our home routine is not routine at all. Davis fiddles on the computer or his Ipad quite a bit. We don't watch much TV as we find there is nothing of real value on (except Shark Week has provided Annakate and me with some entertainment). We continue our new tradition of movie night. Last night we watched Rango, even though Davis doesn't really care for it. Tonight, he chose Tangled. Actually, I convinced him to choose that one because I haven't watched it yet. You gotta love the power of persuasion.

Davis's physical features continue to change slowly.  His face and his belly have rounded out considerably. Side effects of the Prednisone. He continues to slowly lose weight, which is noticeable in his arms, legs, and neck. I can wrap my hand around his upper arm. I have always joked that I have man-hands, but his arms are unusually thin. I tell him he is going to have to lift weights as soon as he feels better. He is shedding. I am constantly vacuuming and changing pillow cases because his hair is everywhere. He refuses to cut it; he says, "It's going to fall out anyway." He's right. I will just keep cleaning until it has all fallen out, I guess.

big hand or tiny arm?
If all goes well (his hemoglobin and platelet counts are high enough and he has no fever), Davis will have his bone marrow biopsy and spinal tap around 10:30. We are counting down the hours to prove how God and the medicine works. We should have preliminary results by Friday evening. We are praying and believing for remission and CURE! We thank you for doing the same. 

We will keep you posted.