Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Their Best Guess

8/31/2011:  3:18 PM

Davis's class just skyped us here at home. I just wish he was here to see them.  Skype is going to work well for those times that Davis is unable to attend school but still well enough to participate in the learning process.  Thanks to Mrs. Meyer, Mrs. Poffinbarger, and Jefferson for making Skype an option for Davis.

Back to the update. This is what Kyle has relayed to me throughout the day. . .

Davis is on his way home. Yay!  He ate six animal crackers and drank a few ounces of Gatorade. The biggest concern, his fever, is now gone. He still has a headache and nausea, and they are hoping to keep that under control with Tylenol, despite it being a fever masker. Davis will have more blood work done at Sarah Bush before we head back down to St. Louis for radiation. This will determine if he will need a transfusion before his next spinal tap on Friday. While his counts are still good, his hemoglobin and platelets have slipped a bit. His ANC (immune system) still continues to climb; today it was over 3700!  The doctors do not seem to be alarmed at the rapid increase; however, they do agree that it is unusual for a cancer patient with a suppressed immune system to have an ANC so high. They assured us that it is a good thing, not bad. While they can't seem to explain it, we can. God. Answers to prayer. Yep. I think that sums it up.

The theories. It could be very possible that Davis has caught a little virus. Most of his symptoms are symptoms that can be linked to a flu.  However, there is a real possibility that his symptoms were caused by a spinal leak. Since Davis receives chemotherapy via spinal each week, it is possible that some of the chemo leaked out of the spine through the hole made by the puncture. This would cause these symptoms too. The doctors are hoping to watch Davis, his numbers, etc tomorrow to see if his symptoms subside (flu) or persist (spinal leak). On Friday during his next spinal tap, they will take some of his own blood from his port and inject it into his spinal fluid. His blood will "go to work" as Kyle puts it, and patch the holes in his spinal column. I find that pretty fascinating - the whole idea of using the body to heal itself. If it is a spinal leak, this will hopefully take care of the problem. 

They also plan on giving Davis fluids before and after the spinal tap.  The chemo may be creating some wear and tear on the body and the effects could be heightened if he isn't well hydrated. And since he isn't eating or drinking willfully, fluids are a good idea. 

We had to reschedule his appointment with the psychologist. He will meet with her next week.  She plans on helping Davis with his brain block on swallowing pills.  Good luck, Dr. Nesin. :)

Saying that I can't wait until he is home is massively understated. I can't wait to squeeze him.  Thank you, thank you, thank you for all of you who sent prayers up on his behalf. They were heard, and we are so much closer to having Davis feel himself again. Please keep them coming. 

We will keep you posted.


  1. It seems strange to me that docs can't expain things when it seems to clear to us that God is watching over Davis. So relieved, still praying and knowing that we are watching God at work. Praise his name!

  2. We're still praying for you guys every night and we think about you all of the time! Jackson and Griffin love to look at the pictures you post. Jackson especially liked the one with the mask...must be a boy thing! :) So happy to hear Davis is on his way home!!! God is good!
    Love you all!

  3. Oh and I LOVE the fact that you went into his classroom and did a presentation explaining what is going on. I'm sure it helped so much! Remember you were my teacher once?! :)
    You are such a good and strong person and Mother, Mandy! A true inspiration to us all!!!

  4. An ANC of 3700? Wow, the power of prayer is amazing! Andy and I have been so worried,praying relentlessly. We love you all and are so glad that Davis will be coming home. I am sure he is excited to sleep on his new futon. Stay strong, God will continue to give you the strength you need. With all our love and prayers we continue to stand behind you.

  5. I hope you enjoy their happy homecoming. :) Keep at it, Momma. :)
