Sunday, August 26, 2012

Busy, Busy

8/26/2012: 10:44 PM

One word to sum up the week? Exhausted.

Annakate was baptized on Sunday evening. I am so proud of her.

School started on Monday for me and Tuesday for the kids. We sure haven't found our routine yet. I can never remember a time where starting school and shelling corn fell in the same week. I think the kids and I are feeling the effects of school.  Davis told me on Wednesday, "Mom, I think my hemoglobin is low." At first, I thought that comment was kind of funny, but then I was a bit sad. I was sad because what eleven-year-old relates the tired feeling to hemoglobin levels? I was sad because he could have been right; he has been a bit pale of as late.

First day of school
We received our first phone call from school on Friday. Davis has had a cough for some time (hopefully allergies), and was running a tiny, tiny fever. He has had a fever (not a worrisome fever; it's runs around 99.5 or so) on and off for a couple of weeks. We have talked to the oncologist, and he feels that it is a result of sinus/allergies/virus. Since the fever remains under 100.4, the oncologist said that his immune system is taking care of "it". Whatever "it" is.

Friday night, Davis and Annakate ran the Ashmore 1.5 mile evening fun run. The night race kicks off our Ashmore Day Festivities in our little village. I was really worried about Davis running this race because he still has very little muscle mass and tires easily. As fifteen minutes had passed, nearly every child had crossed the finish line. I noticed there were still two kids without times. Davis, of course, and his friend Drew. It took Davis nearly 24 minutes to round the corner by the finish line, and Drew was right there next to him. You know, I think God puts people in our lives for a reason. I really don't think that Davis would have been able to fight cancer so gracefully if he didn't have such amazing friends (and their families) who encourage him and accept him unconditionally. They have never once treated him differently because of cancer. Although not surprised, I was completely moved that Drew wouldn't think twice about forfeiting a race to keep Davis company.

Saturday morning . . .Parade! We were fortunate to be chosen as Grand Marshals to represent our little community. It was so much fun! The kids tossed candy at the crowd. They enjoyed that much more than gathering it.

Although he didn't place, Davis gave it all he had during the kiddie tractor pull. I am pretty sure this may be his last tractor pull. He's too big for the tractor!

Our church celebrated its annual "Friends Day" today. It is quite a happening, and we look forward to it every year.  Davis managed to make his way into the dunking booth. He was so tickled and excited . . . and so wet! I think he was dunked well over fifty times.  Annakate had some wet fun of her own on the water slide. And no, I don't have any pictures of her, because she was here, there, and everywhere. I couldn't get her to stand in one spot long enough.
Davis and I ended our Friends Day festivities early to head back to Charleston for Davis' piano recital. He played the theme from Star Wars and a song from High School Musical. I thought he did an outstanding job. He did mess up a few times, but he kept going. After he sat back down next to me, he buried his head into my arm and whispered, "I'm so embarrassed. I kept messing up." I think he's a bit hard on himself. I was very proud of him (and a bit jealous of his talent). 

Davis and I will head down to St. Louis early Friday morning for a long day of chemo. He will have a spinal this time in addition to his regular chemo and side effects meds. Once again, I ask that you pray for him. The anesthesia throws him off.  I will also be praying for a strong immune system. His persistent cough and elevated temperature could have eaten away at his ANC (immune system count). If his ANC is too low, chemo will be postponed, which prolongs everything.
Please pray for Annakate too. She has never been able to properly breath through her nose. That has caused a load of trouble for her. She has been on medication for it ever since I can remember, and it never seems to improve. We finally took her to a specialist. She will be having an adenoidectomy and a nasal turbinate resection in a couple of weeks. She's super nervous about it. Anesthesia and hospitals and bloody noses have never been a part of her personal world - always Davis' - and she is a bit scared. The procedure is pretty quick and mostly painless. Hopefully, she will feel much better soon. 

I know it may seem like I am always saying this, but it is true. We are so blessed. As cliche as it may sound, every day is a gift. I am astonished as to how far we have come in the last thirteen months. We had some really rough times and gobs of bad days. And even though the bitter bites of those experiences are as vivid as living them the first time, the simple beauty of life -- the days where cancer doesn't dictate our lives -- outshines them.

We will keep you posted.

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