Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Ducks in a Row


Where is the time going?

Davis came home from DC with a sinus infection. Since his fever never spiked over 100.4 and since he was already on a broad spectrum antibiotic, we did nothing in terms of seeking special medical attention. I know it sounds crazy, but sometimes I miss having a child with a normal sickness. Well, I don't know how to really say it. As inconvenient and miserable a common illness makes a child (cold, flu, etc), you know that it will run its course and your concerns are minimal -- hydration, fever, possible antibiotics, etc. There is far more worry when your baby has a really compromised immune system.

Started Taekwondo this week.
No sparring, of course.
Davis headed into the new SBLHS lab on Wednesday evening. Wow. It is really nice. His monthly counts were taken.  On Thursday afternoon after Davis had attended the fair, we were notified by SLCH that Davis was neutropenic. His ANC (immune system count) was 495, a far cry from the 1500 we want to maintain. The nurse told me that he dip was probably stemming from the sinus infection coupled with the daily chemo. The daily chemo beats the body down slowly, and Davis' body learns to adapt to it and rebuilds. As his body (immune system) continues to gain strength, the chemo will be increased to allow it to build more. I visualize a weightlifter. The weight is placed at a limit that the lifter can barely do, but manage. Over time, the lifter gains strength and the weight is not a challenge, so the weight is increased, and the process continues. When the immune system takes a hit (sickness), it drops. The nurse had us hold the chemo for Thursday evening in an effort to give his body a break.

We headed down to chemo on Friday. Davis' port was accessed and another CBC was done to see if his counts were trending upwards. If his counts were continuing to drop, his chemo was going to be adjusted. If his counts were increasing, the doctors would know that his body was on the mend, and chemo would resume as scheduled. It takes well over an hour to get the results for a CBC, so there is quite a bit of waiting around involved. We busied ourselves with doctor visits and a breathing treatment. We even managed to play two or three games of Life on the ipad.

The smell of the alcohol they clean his port with
makes him sick. He always covers his nose with
his shirt and holds his breath.
The CBC revealed an ANC of over 800.  An answer to prayers. Davis' body was mending itself. Because of the bounce in ANC and his small increase in weight (now nearly 73 pounds), Davis' oral chemo was increased. As he continues to grow, the amount of his chemo will too.

The pentamidine breathing treatment is so strong that it is
administered in a special room and the nurse and I have to wear
these plastic industrial-strength masks. I would be lying if I said that
it doesn't bother me that I am protected from this med while Davis'
lungs are being filled with it for twenty minutes straight.
A nearly two hour wait for medication at the pharmacy placed us home Friday evening. Even though the day was long, it was good.

We are balancing the beginning of a routine while trying to use up every bit of summer. The kids and I have been getting up a bit early each day - a practice run for when school starts. The kids have also started eating cereal - the breakfast staple when school starts. I registered the kids for school yesterday, which truly makes summer feel over. I miss it already. I know that we crammed a ton into this summer to make up for last summer, and I think we all loved it. No one here is ready for it to end.

God has truly blessed us, and I am continually grateful for His hand on Davis. We have been through so much in the last year. This might be admission of a lack in faith, but I couldn't have ever imagined that Davis would be looking and feeling as well as he is this time last year. I am already praying for an uneventful year in terms of cancer's ups and downs. I don't ever wish away days now (each day is a precious gift and my children are growing up far too fast), but I am excited to celebrate Davis' year two milestone.

We will keep you posted.

1 comment:

  1. I have enjoyed reading up on you guys and how amazing your summer has been for you all! Miss you and we need to catch up sometime now that I am a lot closer! Positive thoughts for an uneventful start to school but one made with lots of great memories :)
