Friday, August 17, 2012

School . . . Ready or Not!

8/17/2012: 7:17 PM

I love when spontaneity works out. Last Tuesday, we received some free tickets to a Cards game. We headed down to St. Louis to soak up a game before school started. It was wonderful. The seats were great, the temperatures were mild, and we treated ourselves to nachos and Dippin' Dots.

Thank you, Mike and FS, for the tickets!

My aunt was married last weekend. I am not sure how your families work, but with my family being spread out all over the country, the only real times everyone gathers together is for weddings and funerals. Obviously, weddings being preferred. The wedding was beautiful, and the fellowship with family and friends was even better.

My aunt danced with her groom for their first dance.
Davis got the second dance.
I met with Davis' teachers, the school nurse, and principal this past week. The meeting went well, and I feel better about returning to work. Davis' immune system is stronger than last year, but he is still at risk for infections. My fear is that since he looks so well and healthy and feels pretty good most of the time, others will forget that he is still taking daily and monthly chemo and that his immune system is still compromised. This might lead to more risk taking: kids not washing hands often, carelessness in covering noses and mouths when sneezing or coughing, parents sending kids who are "a little" sick to school. The teachers and nurse are going to help keep an eye on this to limit Davis' exposure to germs.

The next two weeks will prove to be an adjustment for us. I have started back to work (teacher) a couple of days ago, and the kids start school on Tuesday. Davis will ride a bus to and from school for the first time. He will have a locker with a lock (quite a challenge for him), and he will be responsible for taking his own temperature with a thermometer kept in his locker when he feels ill.  Kyle will be harvesting in a matter of days - a month earlier than normal. I think we all had forgotten about my balancing act of job and home, because we are out of groceries and there is a growing pile of laundry already. I am so thankful (and so blessed) that Kyle is an amazing team player and picks up where I left off. He has hauled the kids around all week and even did the grocery shopping this evening.

I pray this school year is uneventful. I pray the germs off of Davis for each day of the next school year. I pray that he continues to respond to the chemo. No hiccups on this journey, no fevers, no hospitalizations. God is good; I have no doubt.

We will keep you posted.

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