Saturday, June 2, 2012

Sizzlin' Sun Weekend

6/2/2012: 10:30 PM

We had a blast over the holiday weekend. We headed down to Mill Creek for a few days of camping and boating. I was nervous about this trip because Davis can't tolerate heat very well, and it was supposed to be in the 90s, and he can't be in the lake water because of the risk for infection. We managed to make the best of it, and I think everyone had a great time. Kyle may not have. He gets motion sickness and has to take a lot of Dramamine. Poor guy.

We took a big risk and allowed Davis to use the tube as a raft to float over to the shore and walk around. He seemed to have fun doing this, and it was a nice alternative to just sitting on the boat while everyone was in the water.

Although boating wasn't super fun for Davis, he still made the most of it. I think his favorite part was just riding around and catching the other boats' wakes. Plus, it kept him cool.

Annakate had a fantastic time. At the beginning of every year, she is afraid to get in the water. She had her hair braided, and while swimming, she started panicking. She screamed, "Mom, a catfish!" Well, it was her braid floating by her face. She definitely provided some great entertainment. It takes her a bit to warm up, but once she finds her courage, she's fine. She's content just to swim. She loves the water. 

We like to camp. Well, let me rephrase. The kids and I like to camp. It's not really camping. It's like living in a tiny house on wheels. We watched movies every night and cooked smores in the microwave. The kids played at the play ground and rode their bikes around, and we played Wii too. 

Davis continues to feel well.  This Thursday, we will have bloodwork done to determine counts going into chemo on Friday. We don't expect to see low counts. The prednisone he takes boosts his white count which raises his ANC (immune system count). On Friday, he is scheduled to have an LP (spinal tap) to put chemo into his central nervous system. He will also receive port chemo and a breathing treatment to prevent lung infections. One of the perks to all of this chemo is that he is waived of receiving his immunizations to enter 6th grade. Not a real fair trade-off, but he was happy to hear it.

With the exceptions of medication and a handful of limitations and concerns, Davis' life and our lives feel normal again. We have returned to a pace we are used to. Actually, I think we are moving at a bit of a faster pace to make up for the summer we missed last year. We are careful not to take this time - this summer - for granted.

Thank you for all the encouragment. We love the comments about how awesome Davis looks. When Davis was in the thick of treatment and looked so unhealthy, my heart would break over and over again. I would often wonder if the cancer didn't kill him, the chemo would. I just thank God that we all found the strength to make it through those really hard times, and I am so thankful that his health is returning. A second chance at life.

Thank you for all of the prayers. We continue to love and appreciate them.

We will keep you posted.

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