Thursday, June 28, 2012

How Much Summer Can We Cram Into These Weeks?

6/28/2012: 4:09 PM

I can feel the summer ticking by already. But I can safely say that this is the first summer I don't feel we have wasted. We have been cramming enough summer into every day to make up for the lack of one last year.

Last week was the week of slumber parties. The kids were barely home. When Davis was home, Annakate was spending time with a friend, and when Annakate was home, Davis would be gone. We managed to find a night to go bowling. The kids had a great time. Thank goodness for those bumper lanes.

She wasn't always this happy.

We hauled ourselves to Tennessee to visit my family. It is such a long drive, but the visit made up for it. We went to a small water park on Saturday. It was perfect. Davis and Annakate spend most of their time in the wave pool.

Annakate and Grandpa Fanello
Davis started small on this water slide.
Eek! Can you believe that Davis went down this slide! 
You can hardly see him, but he's standing in line on the staircase.
I was a nervous wreck!  He loved it, but wasn't quick to do it again.

On Sunday, we indulged in "Fiddler on the Roof". Davis whined about not wanting to go initially, but he loved it. In fact, I still catch him humming a couple of the songs.  The rest of Sunday and Monday was spent on the slip-and-slide. My dad and Kyle went golfing on Monday. I was honored to go slipping and sliding with the kiddos. I knew I was in trouble when Annakate yelled, "Wait, Mom! Slide's not quite ready!" and then she proceeded to dump and smear about a cup of liquid dish soap all over the slide. I ran . . . I slid . . . I landed . . . on the ground. Yep. The first attempt - missed the water. Needless to say, I provided some prime entertainment for Davis and Annakate, and I was surprised that I wasn't too sore the next morning.

 We squeezed in some Guitar Hero. Something no one in our family had ever played. Kyle and Davis caught on pretty quickly. I can't say the same for Annakate and me.

Upon returning home from our Tennessee trip, we have spent a great deal of time with friends and in the pool. I guess that's the recipe for summer fun.

Monday night brought forth a near miraculous event. Well, not really, but it felt like it. Davis swallowed a half of a pill!  I think he surprised himself even!  We were so tickled that Davis, Annakate, and I did a happy dance right there in the kitchen. Sadly, the other half of the pill wouldn't go down. So after five attempts, we called it and crushed a new half pill. I am thrilled that we are one step closer to pill swallowing.

Davis is doing so well, and I have to admit that there are times that I forget about everything related to cancer all together. I love pretending that this past year didn't happen (not that I want to squash our blessings, but that I want to just ignore the worry and stress of it all), and with Davis looking and feeling so well, it is easy to pretend for a little while. I still find myself praying basically the same prayers over him every night when I tuck him in: no relapses, no secondary cancers, no long term or short term side effects, . . . I have added to them over time: a spirit of peace, a leader by example. . . And every day, I count my blessings.

Thank you for thinking of us, encouraging us, praying for us. I can't imagine where we would be without you.

We will keep you posted.

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