Monday, July 2, 2012

Urgent Prayer Request

7/2/2012: 2:34 PM

Prayer Request: Cory (the ten-year-old we roomed with when we were diagnosed) had quite a set back this weekend. Posted from his mother's blog, Cory suffered a stroke, was airlifted to SLCH, and is now undergoing testing. He is now out of ICU, but the family is waiting the uncertainty that lies ahead. Please earnestly pray for Cory. He (and his family) really need their miracle right now.


I feel so guilty recounting our week know how horrible the last few days for Cory's family have been. But I know that the good days are a gift, and I feel so blessed to make use of every day we are given.

This weekend, we went camping and boating at our usual spot. Kyle's family went too, making camping twice as fun.

It was way too hot to cook on an open fire. We used our new pizzazz to cook. I love this little machine. We had kabobs one night, and steak (yes, steak!) the next. 

My brother-in-law took part in the Mayhem race (race with an obstacle course) being held by the park. We stood in strategic locations along the race path to cheer him on. As we were waiting, my nephew went to grab a frog at the edge of the water. Much to the children's surprise and eventually to our entertainment, it was not a frog.  Kyle, along with the people waiting with us, were convinced that it was a water moccasin. To end the discussion, I googled it. Inconclusive. Kinda looked like a moccasin, kinda looked like a dozen other water snakes too. My guess . . .Eastern Milk Snake (even though they aren't really water snakes.) 

We did boat for awhile, but it was far too hot for Davis. We shuffled him to the shore line on the tube, and we played there for a bit. There is only so much you can do on a rocky shoreline, and Davis was done braving the heat early on. He ended hanging out with his Grandpa and Grandma at the camp site. 

Kyle was able to control his motion sickness very well this time. Two Dramamines. He spent the rest of the afternoon and nearly all of the evening and night sleeping. Poor guy.

Annakate is so full of energy. After we returned from boating, she made use of the remainder of day light by riding her bicycle and sliding on the slip-and-slide offered at the park.

Davis's birthday is quickly approaching, and therefore, our diagnosis date anniversary is upon us. It is hard to believe that it had nearly been a year. It some ways, it seems like yesterday, but in most regards, it feels like we have been fighting cancer forever.

Davis will have chemo this Friday. It should be an easy one. A breathing treatment and some chemo pushed into his port. Please pray that all goes as it should. And please pray for Cory.

We thank you a million times over.

We will keep you posted. 

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