Sunday, July 8, 2012

One Year Ago Today. . .

7/8/2012: 3:01 PM

At 5:00 PM, it will be exactly one year ago that our lives were turned upside down. . . our hearts were squeezed and we were left stunned . . . our journey began. Davis was diagnosed with t-cell acute lymphocytic leukemia exactly one year ago.  I sit here and reflect on how different our lives are now -- better in some ways, scarred in others. I am amazed at how we have become stronger out of necessity and how we have been forced to grow beyond our believed limitations. I am deeply saddened that my children have been robbed of normal, care-free childhoods, and I am weary as our walk with cancer continues. I want it so badly to be over.  But every day I find a new joy in this journey, and our cups runneth over with the blessings brought forth by God and others. Thank you to all of you who walk by our sides. This journey feels so long, but we are comforted knowing that we are not braving it alone.

Another wonderful week.

 We enjoyed a bit of time at Moreton Park before the heat became too intense. We spent a relaxing day at home before heading to Casey for the fireworks. They were spectacular.

Davis had blood work and a metabolic panel done on Thursday. All of his counts were in normal range for the chemo he is receiving. The doctors raised his chemo this past month because his ANC (immune system) was getting too strong. Last month his ANC was over 3000, and this month it was where the docs want it: 1575. 

Annakate is grossed out by the blood draw. She can't look.

Davis will receive a repeat liver and kidney test this week to check his bilirubin, AST, and ALT levels. The levels jumped quite a bit from June to July. The doctors want to make sure that the levels have plateaued and aren't increasing. While they are still in normal limits for a child receiving chemo, they are still being monitored closely. (Side note: the liver and kidney levels can be up to twenty times the upper limit of normal.) The doctors begin to closely monitor kidney and liver levels at five times the upper limit of normal. Davis isn't quite there yet. Davis' AST was 81 (normal limit 10-34) and his ALT was 170 (normal limit 7-56 usually), which was up from 108 the month before. As a mom, I am concerned, but the doctors says there is nothing to worry about yet.

Chemo was a go on Friday. Davis brought a couple of his best buds along this trip. We turned chemo day into a St. Louis birthday party trip.

Drew, Davis, Annakate, and Wade waiting on the doctors

Quick chemo. Davis received Vincristine via port push and then a breathing treatment of Pentamidine to protect him against bacterial and fungal lung infections. 

While we were waiting on the breathing treatment to finish, Kyle and Annakate snuck over to 9West to visit with Cory and his family. Kyle said that Cory was awake and playing when they were there. They enjoyed a nice little visit together. Please keep praying for this amazing family.

Davis has been complaining of leg pain, more specifically ankle pain, for a little over a week now. I assumed it was due to the chemo drug Vincristine because leg joint pain is a side effect. Dr. Schapiro gave him a look over and discovered swelling and tenderness near the ankle. She believes that it is a strain or sprain of some sort, and Davis has been ordered to the RICE (rest, ice, compression, elevation) method for a couple of weeks. We have no idea how he injured himself, and frankly, we are struggling to keep him off of it. He tolerates the ice and doesn't seem to annoyed that he is limping everywhere. He is pretty good to sit for a while unless there is something better to do.

Once chemo was over, the party started. After some hotel swimming and lounging, we went to Davis' favorite restaurant. Kobe's Japanese Hibachi Steakhouse. Umm. Not sure if the boys liked it as much as Davis does, but everyone left full.

Quite a show!

We headed over to an awesome sports complex we were sure the Davis and his friends would love. They played laser tag. They climbed rock walls. They played dodge ball. They ran obstacle courses. Annakate kept up with them every bit of the way. Even though Davis could barely walk at the end of the evening (ankle pain), he didn't complain one time.

Needless to say, everyone slept well.

Krispie Kreme

Davis will be turning eleven in a couple of days, and I thank God for every day that He has given me with him - even the bad ones. On the car ride to St. Louis, Kyle and I were trying to do the math as to when we would be done with chemo.  2015.  Seems like such a long time from now.

Thank you for your continued prayers and positive thoughts.

We will keep you posted. 

1 comment:

  1. I came across your blog looking at MAW since we're waiting for our son's wish. I didn't see if you got to go to Hawaii. I hope your very strong son (and your family) go soon if you haven't already.
