Monday, June 18, 2012

Extraordinarily Normal Week

6/18/2012: 8:20 AM

I really can't remember everything that has happened over the last week. It has been pretty extraordinarily normal around here.

Even though I had pork chops marinating in the fridge on Monday evening, we packed up the cooler and decided to head out to the lake for supper. The water was so calm and serene; it gave the appearance of glass. I think we were the only ones out there give or take a few fishermen. Anyway, we were only out there - long enough to eat and coast around a couple of rounds, but it was a refreshing twist to our normal supper routine.

We spent an evening with our friends, the Boswells. Kyle learned about ultralites, while we had some good old fashioned fun petting horses, chasing wild kittens, playing with their dog, and visiting.

The ninety degree heat has found its way here, and we have found our way to the pool. The kids will swim three or four times a day.

On Saturday, Annakate and Kyle attended a father-child karate class. Kyle really had quite a workout. Annakate was grinning from ear to ear the entire time. Two things she loves together at once.

This morning at church, Kyle was presented the "Father of the Year" award. It was a complete surprise to him. To make it all the sweeter, Davis gave a speech about his dad before the entire congregation. I am so amazed at how comfortable Davis is with a microphone in his hand. No fear. Kyle has such a tender heart (and was a bit of a weepy mess) and was completely honored by this.  It was tough keeping a secret of this magnitude, but we pulled it off. It was so moving that the pastoral staff and the saints of our church honored Kyle in such a thoughtful and memorable way.

I have to admit that it feels a bit awkward to not write about blood work numbers or ANC or weight loss or hospital stays or chemo side effects, but they simply aren't a concern as of right now. I think one learns very quickly when dealing with cancer that it is one step at a time. The scope of view is very small. No need to worry about tomorrow or the next day. So the here and now is all about summer fun, and we are embracing every minute of it.

Thank you for your continued support and prayers. God is the best, and you are all so wonderful.

We will keep you posted.

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