Friday, May 25, 2012

Welcome Summer Vacation

5/25/2012:  9:30 AM

I am sure that you have guessed from the lack of posts that things around here have been busy. My OHS seniors graduated last weekend, Kyle spent four days in Tennessee golfing with his friends, and summer vacation started for the kids.

Summer vacation came in a fury. We haven't had one relaxing day yet. I don't mind; each day has been incredibly productive, and everyone sleeps very well at night.

I have been unpacking my new classroom in the new OHS this week.
Annakate and Davis found a new use for my cabinets. They helped some
and played a lot more. I have glitter all over my floor to prove it.
Sadly, Davis quit baseball. I am very disappointed - not that he no longer wanted to play, but that he quit. I am very "old school" when it comes to commitment, I guess. Anyway, he had a list of a hundred reasons, and most sounded quite like excuses to me. A couple of reasons were pretty relevant: chemo causes an intolerance to heat and sun. He wilts in the heat. And playing baseball is pretty hot and one's almost always in the sun. The bottom line is that his heart wasn't in it, and it was torture for everyone to make him finish the season.

Eliminating baseball has freed up our schedule a bit. Annakate still has her commitments: various ball camps and Taekwondo.

She's officially a yellow belt!

Healthwise, Davis is doing wonderful. He looks great and feels great most of the time. He has energy - something he didn't have this time last year. His appetite has returned, and we are hoping that this summer brings on some muscle and ten more pounds.We don't have to head down to St. Louis for chemo until June, and we love the long stretches of time in between.

More bluegill.
With Davis being prone to infection, we constantly have to monitor him for fevers. What a challenge! With it being so warm outside, he always feels feverish to me, so I am constantly taking his temperature. I am sure he is being so patient with me, just as he is with my camera snapping pictures all of the time. I am sure I will adjust.

Annakate's first bass.
We are looking forward to some family time over the next couple of weeks. Kyle has been working some long hours to free up his schedule some. With farming, there is always something to be done (unless it's February).

The more they fish, the more courage they find. Davis, Annakate, and Parrish
(Annakate's friend) are attempting to remove a hook from a bluegill.
We appreciate all of your love and support  . . . even still. Although Davis is doing so well, we have a constant set of worry and fears that we fight daily. Please remember Davis and our family in your prayers and thoughts. While I am requesting, I ask that you lift up thoughts and prayers for Davis' friend, Cory. He appears to be tolerating the chemo, and his newest tests and scans have came back bearing good news.

We are so truly blessed.

We will keep you posted.

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