Monday, May 7, 2012

Fishing Advice From an 8-Year-Old

5/7/2012: 9:55 AM

We are easing into summer for sure. Davis' Friday night ball game was quite a nail biter. Despite that he struck out three times, he was still pretty happy because he was playing against one of his best buds, Drew.

Davis at bat. Drew catching.

We spent most of the weekend camping. We had a blast. We did a little fishing. Well, I did most of it. I caught nothing. On the bright side, I did feed quite a few fish before I switched to a lure, and then the fish weren't interested. Kyle's sister and family were camping about four or five places down from our camp site, so the kids loved running back and forth.

On Sunday afternoon, we tried our fishing luck at a different pond near the farm. Again, I had no luck. A couple nibbles here and there. Annakate caught her first fish five minutes after casting her rod. She was too cute.  As I helped her reel it in, she was giddy with glee. She told me her fishing secret, "Mom, it worked! I said a little prayer that I would catch a fish, and I caught one!"  We continued with our fishing, and she kept reeling them in. Since they were all bluegill, she was beginning to think she was catching the same fish over and over again. I assured her that they were all different sizes, so surely they were different fish. A half of an hour later, I was still empty handed (I did have to stop and help her quite a bit.) and she mumbles from behind me, "Maybe you should say a prayer." And with that, Davis took my pole over and caught a fish. Hmmm. I was content to see them so thrilled with their catches.  It made for a relaxing afternoon.

Fish #1 of 3
Annakate is extremely afraid of fish. She worked up
some courage to try to take the fish off of the hook herself.
She wasn't able to do it, but kudos to her for trying.
Davis developed a rash last week. It looks like some sort of heat rash or hives. I have been pumping allergies pills into him. I have also done all of the things I know to do . . . watch what he eats in case it's a new developing food allergy, wash all bedding and clothes in mild detergent in hot water, etc. The rash seems to come and go, but the itching is still pretty intense even when there is nothing visible. It could be a side effect of his chemo and the heat or sun, but I think that the chances of that are rare because his chemo dosage is fairly low. I will call the Children's clinic today and see if Davis' team has any better answers or solutions.  I guess the timing couldn't be better. Davis is scheduled for chemo on Friday, and if he can hold off, the doctor can take a look at the rash then.

Davis and his catch
Yep, Davis will go and get his monthly CBC on Thursday, and if all looks well (and it should), we will head down on Friday for chemo. This should be a fairly easy chemo day. Davis will be accessed and have a Vincristine push in his port, and then he will have the nasty breathing treatment. Although Davis would prefer to have us crush the antibiotic to prevent lung infections for him to take twenty-four times a month, we drew the line and insisted that he do the breathing treatment. It saves time and fights over medication. Plus, it's one less medication he has to take every week.

In June, chemo will be a bit more intense. Davis will have an LP (spinal tap) to place more chemo in his spine to protect his central nervous system from cancer.

Update on Cory. . . It appears the latest round of chemo is working. There was no cancer present in his latest preliminary bone marrow biopsy test. The doctors are taking a look at some other things (specifically a lung tumor), but for the most part, his family received good news on Friday. Please keep the positive thoughts and prayers flowing for this little guy and his family.

And always, I ask that you remember Davis and the rest of us in your thoughts and prayers. Davis is looking great and feeling pretty well. We know that your support and God's goodness are responsible. We never forget for one day how truly blessed we are. Never.

We will keep you posted.

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