Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Truly Feeling the Spirit of Giving

12/20/2011: 12:06 PM

What a week! 

Annakate had her Ashmore Christmas Program on Wednesday night. It was quite a treat. The kids do such a great job learning little songs.

Davis had his first band concert on Thursday evening. It was amazing!  Kudos to Mrs. Stanfield who takes a bunch of kids and turns them into fantastic musicians in four months.  Davis plays percussion. He has a pretty good sense of rhythm to begin with, and playing percussion allows him to wear a mask and still be part of the band. He loves it.
And as exciting as the band concert was on Thursday evening, the night of excitement was only beginning. On the way to the band concert, I received a phone call from our second cousin (Kyle's actually, but what is his is mine, right?) Amy Wood. She asked if we could stop by after the band concert because she had something for us that wouldn't keep until Christmas. Naturally, I thought cookies. We arrived at the home of Jim and Amy and family shortly after the band concert. They invited us in and motioned us to the couch. We sat, and the Wood family sat across from us. I was thinking that it was quite a formal feeling for a tray of cookies, but I was up for a little visit as we don't get to spend time together much, so I didn't mind the formality.  Amy pulled out some wrapped cardboard cut-outs and we each took turns opening them. It was over the top. Dinner and a movie for Kyle and me, Wal-Mart gift card with a substantial amount for Annakate, Best Buy gift card with a substantial amount for Davis, and a gift card for gas for treatments in St. Louis for the family. Nope, not a tray of cookies! We were beside ourselves.  Amy shared a story of how she and Tyler (Jim and Amy's 6th grade son) had contacted the radio station WLRW 94.5 as part of their wish granting outreach on our behalf. They had found out that the wish had been granted not too long ago. There was a bit of urgency to tell us because a promotional commercial was going to air.  As generous as the gifts the WLRW were, we were unbelieving touched by the Woods for going out of their way to help our family.  Thank you, Wood family, and thank you, WLRW.

On Friday, Davis played the dulcimer in the Jefferson Christmas assembly. He loves playing the dulcimer. I will be surprised if Davis doesn't find his way into a music oriented career. He says things like, "Mr. Walton let me use the cool tuner today" and it just cracks me up. Davis has even starting writing music again. Truly a sign he is feeling better.

Most of Saturday was devoted to practice for the church Christmas program. I did manage to make Kyle a cake, and we celebrated his birthday a day early.
Sunday morning was the kids' Christmas program at church. If you have never been to an Apostolic Center Christmas program, you are missing out. It is quite a show, and the kids and those that lead them put in a lot of hours to make it awesome. Davis played Joseph and sang a beautiful duet, "A Strange Way to Save the World", with Parrish, one of the young ladies in our church.  Annakate was an ox (a part of which she was very proud) and even sang a little solo (her first). I was definitely glowing with pride. I am amazed at how our children can get up in front of 450+ people, and sing/act for the glory of God and not be nervous or think a thing about it. No stage fright here.

Mary (Parrish), Joseph (Davis), and the ox (Annakate)
"A Strange Way to Save the World"

Annakate and her singing debut
The last couple of days have been a mix of school parties and Christmas rush. Jefferson School had an assembly this morning. The video that Davis and I made together was shown, and the student council presented us with a generous check from the bracelet fundraising that was done between the Jefferson and Ashmore schools. I was too teary-eyed to say anything, but the children and their families are real heroes. And Kyle and I can't figure out enough ways to express our gratitude for the support and care that has been shown to us. It's is everywhere. One might think that after the shock of the diagnosis has worn off and people have found their routines of work and school, that we would see less support and encouragement, but the opposite has occurred. I can't thank people enough for what may seem like little things to them, but are giant blessings to us. For example, a thank you to the parents of the children in Davis' class who keep their child home when sniffles are questionable. Thank you to the people who stop me in Wal-mart to check on Davis and to tell us that they are praying for him. Thank you to the person, unknown to us, who paid our water bill. Thank you to the people who bought t-shirts. Thank you to the parents and community members who donated blood at the Jefferson blood drive. So far, all of Davis' blood transfusions have come from the Red Cross. The blessings never end.

The rest of the week . . .
We look forward to spending time with family this week. It seems that this journey is constantly reminding us about the most important things in life. I think I say that little cliche to myself daily, "The most important things in life aren't things." We know that know more than ever. May God bring you and your family the best gifts of all:  His love, the love of family and friends, peace of mind, and health. I encourage you to mend broken bridges, listen a little longer, love a little deeper, and slow down this Christmas season. Time is something that once lost, can't be retrieved. And I look at my babies who are no longer babies and wonder how I let time get away from me.

Enjoy. May God richly bless you.
We will keep you posted.


  1. I've been enjoying your posts! Thank you for giving us the opportunity to go through this journey w/your family. We are so touched by your faith & hope for Davis', & we join you in knowing that God has great & wonderful plans for him! Many Blessings, Gail Henard

  2. I thoroughly enjoy your posts and enjoy the special moments you all have. Annakate looks so grown up in that picture of her singing. I am sure your kids were wonderful (I enjoyed the performances I have seen in the past..)

    Have a wonderful Christmas Coffeys!
