Monday, December 26, 2011

Close Enough to Perfect Christmas

12/26/2011: 7:45 PM
my poor baby
Well, we spent the last days with enjoying family. We shuffled to a couple of Christmases before Annakate fell sick with the stomach flu on Christmas Eve night. Kyle and I decided that I would take care of Annakate, and he would steer clear. Kyle will still be able to take care of Davis (and Annakate when she is better) in case I become sick with what Annakate has/had. So Annakate was pretty much quarantined to her bedroom, my bedroom, and my bathroom. I hung out with her and avoided Davis as much as possible. Annakate tortured me with baking shows nearly all Christmas Day. She was tickled that there was a "Next Great Baker" marathon on, and she would flip back and forth between that and "Cupcake Wars." Since her illness kept us up until 4:40 AM Christmas morning, we did manage to sleep most of Christmas Day away. She did cry a bit because she had to stay home from church, and she did miss a couple of Christmases with extended family, but she understood why. Poor timing in terms of sickness. I am pleased to report that she is back to eating solids today, and I am feeling quite well myself. Whew!

Davis is so cute. His great-grandmother, Wanda Coffey, asked him to play a Christmas song on his bells set before they opened presents.  Not only did he play a song, he played a few, and he even (without our knowledge, not that we cared) printed programs to hand out before hand. Embracing his need for comfortable clothing, which he thinks is super important, he wore pajama pants, a nice casual long sleeve shirt, and robe to Grandma's.  I wasn't there (at home with Annakate), but I was told that before the night was over, Davis was down to his pajama pants. No shirt. No robe. I guess he took the old phrase, "Make yourself at home" to heart.

I have noticed that Davis has shirked the need to wear a hat in public. He started not wearing a hat at school. He said that no one really cared that he didn't have hair. I tell ya, the kids have been wonderfully accepting of the changes Davis has endured. I love the way that they are blind to his differences caused by cancers. It's like they don't even notice that he is pale and thin, that he lacks hair, that he always wears a mask. Well, anyway, I have noticed that he only wears hats/caps when we tell him to grab one because it's cold outside. I am thankful he is comfortable and confident without hiding his head.

This is the first Christmas break that we haven't spent on a vacation in years, and to be honest, it feels a little odd to be home. Usually, we take the kids on a trip for their Christmas present from us. We have a good time being together, and the get-away is a great renewal. This year, we are unable to go anywhere because of Davis' chemo and low ANC. Even though I am sad that we are here (a constant reminder of why we are not on vacation), I know that we will have years to come to vacation together. One rough Christmas will guarantee many more wonderful Christmases.

We still appreciate your prayers.  Davis will have chemo on Friday given his counts are high enough to begin. We should know something Thursday afternoon/evening.

We hope you enjoyed Christmas with your family and friends, and may God richly bless you.
Christmas Morning

Christmas Morning

1 comment:

  1. We were sorry that you could not make it to our house but glad that you stayed away considering what our dinner's have done in the past. Miss you so much
