Friday, December 16, 2011

A Day in the Life Video

12/16/2011:  9:05 AM

I have been meaning to share this video. I hope it works. Davis and I created a little video to help others (most specifically grade school students) understand what has become part of Davis' routine. This video isn't professional by any means, but we (mostly me) had a great time putting it together. There is a song at the end, and my goal is to create another similar music video with Team Davis pictures.

Just click on the link.


  1. You guys did an amazing job.. I love that Davis told it in his words.

  2. Awesome, needed a few kleenex. Love you Davis & praying for you always. Papa & Grandmamamaw

  3. You did an awesome job with this video and explaining everything as you went. I needed alot of kleenex!! You keep fighting and we will keep praying!! LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!

  4. What a wonderful example and inspiration you all are. Davis, you have great things ahead of you! Through this blog you are spreading children's cancer awareness all over the the world. I have shared the blog with friends at school, church and with my kids who share it with their friends in Arizona and California. Is it possible to share the video on you tube?

    Love to all.

  5. I know you don’t know us, but Carolyn Bisby told me about you just after Davis was diagnosed. I have kept up with you from time to time (not every day because to be honest it is like reliving our past 3 ½ years). Our son Dalton was diagnosed with ALL on May 5, 2008. It is a day that we will never forget. We too have found St. Louis Children’s Hospital as our second home. I am pleased to share that we finally finished chemo this past August and our trips now mostly just mean counts and a check up. It is a great feeling and you will be there too. I loved your video. It is perfect and you captured so many things that I wish we had in film. Dalton was just 2 when he was diagnosed and there is so much that we don’t really understand what all he was going through because he couldn’t tell us. It is also in a way a good thing because to him it was “normal” so he didn’t have the worries that other kids face. If there is anything we can ever do for you, we are close in Villa Grove. You are constantly in our thoughts and prayers. Have a Merry Christmas!
    Kurt and Brenda Logan
