Sunday, September 11, 2011

A Week Off

9/11/2011:  9:53 PM

I have been reunited with my computer.  I picked up the parts today, and it is back in service. Let's see. Where did I leave off?

monitors for watching
Davis during
Well, Davis met with his psychologist. She is helping him with some of his anxiety.  We have mini-homework and homework-homework. For mini-homework, Davis has to practice swallowing sprinkles with large gulps of water. This is the first step to swallowing pills.  He doesn't want to practice because he can feel the sprinkle in his throat. His homework-homework consists of taking all of his medication in fifteen minutes, and we are to provide a distraction. Before this new goal, medication routines were taking more than an hour most days.  It was sucking the patience right out of us. Davis has been doing pretty well so far.  Definitely not easy changes though.

love those awesome
radiation techs

Davis is finished with radiation. Wahoo!  In the last two weeks, we have clocked over fifty hours in the car. I think I could drive that St. Louis run in my sleep now. Thursday was his last day for radiation, and he nearly didn't complete it. On the way down, Davis developed some severe allergies that caused him to sneeze over and over again. He also had a runny nose. All of the symptoms combined left him pretty miserable, and he didn't want any part of putting a mask on his face. The technician talked him into it, and all of the techs worked quickly to make the time spent in the mask as short as possible. They even made him a sign!  He made it!  Whew!  Afterwards, he rang the bell.  He was grinning from ear to ear.

joyous bell ringing
On Thursday, we also received word that Davis's counts weren't high enough to start the next 29 days of chemo. His platelets have to be over 75, and his ANC has to be over 750.  His ANC was 236. Although we do not want to have to stop treatment, the week off is a nice break for all of us.  He was hoping all week for a delay because of one his best buds was having him over, and he didn't want to have to be accessed (getting ready to start four-day chemo).  Sadly, he wasn't feeling well enough to go anyway.

I took Annakate to the doctor on Friday. She has been struggling with some allergies, sore throat, and a wet cough. We wanted to make sure she didn't have strep. With Davis having such a compromised immune system, we don't hesitate to take Annakate to the doctor as soon as she develops symptoms. All is well. Annakate is suffering from allergies and drainage.  Nothing serious. 

lots of sleeping
We are starting to see some side effects of the radiation. Davis sleeps a ton. Yesterday, Davis was only awake for six or seven hours. We have hung blankets from his loft bed to darken below where he sleeps on his futon.  It creates a cozy little tent-like space. And today, he slept all through church.

Davis has started to eat a bit more. He isn't drawn to the things he is supposed to be eating (high fat and high protein), so we have to encourage him quite a bit. He continues to look terribly thin. He weighs 63 pounds. Annakate, 56 pounds, may outweigh him soon. I know that this will pass, but seeing him look so frail really bothers me.

What else?  Hmmm.  We completed some of the paperwork for the Make-A-Wish Foundation. Every child with a life-threatening condition is allowed to make a wish.  Davis can't think of a thing.  He did come up with a few ideas: travel to Maine, Washington state, or Alaska, own a husky dog (we already have a dog), or meet Hayden Christianson (Annakin Skywalker).  I was holding out for Hawaii or at least some place warm with a beach, but it's not my wish. Our liaisons will be stopping by for a house visit sometime this month to meet us.  I will let you know what he decides.  

With the press and the tenth anniversary, the September 11th attacks have weighed heavily on my mind lately. I remember ten years ago so clearly. I was sleeping on the couch after a rough night with a two-month-and-one-day year old. Davis had finally fallen asleep on my chest, and I had no plans of moving for fear of waking him. I freed my left hand to grab the ringing phone sitting on the floor beneath me.  Kyle called to tell me to flip on the news. I dropped the phone in my hand and grabbed the remote which had been sitting on the floor next to the phone. The news feed and pictures on the TV were surreal. I remember at one point watching grown men jumping out of their skyscraper office windows to their deaths as my baby's head rose and fell with each breath I took. To this day, I still remember my exact thoughts. How blessed am I to be holding my baby when another mother's baby is jumping out a window. I could have never guessed that ten years from then that cancer would remind me how blessed I am to still be holding my baby. 

sleeping through the service with Kyle's
bible as his pillow

We are so thankful for the continued support and prayers.  We never lose sight of knowing why Davis has done so well.  We are looking forward to the week off. We will head to St. Louis on Friday for chemo and a spinal if Davis's ANC is over 750.  If not, he will get another week off.  Here's hoping for a great, healthy week. 

We will keep you posted.

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