Thursday, September 15, 2011

Holding My Breath

9/15/2011:  10:30 PM

Well, things are slowly getting better. Slowly. Right now, our lives revolve around Davis's medication schedule. It seriously takes us nearly two hours each morning and each night to get a few medications in him.  However, other than medicine time, things are pretty good. 

Davis managed to go to school for two whole days this week. When he is at school, he's great. I think school keeps his mind busy. It is his escape from the medicine, needles, doctors' appointments, etc. He can go there and be a kid just like everyone else.

Speaking of school. . . I had quite a pile of odds and ends gathering in my house to be taken to my school in Oakland. With both kids in school, I ran up there for a quick visit. Despite the visit being so brief, it was the highlight of my week. There were many new faces moving around the building, but most were familiar. It was nice to see some of the staff (I didn't get to see everyone). I even bumped into some of my students during lunch and passing periods. Quick hugs and Homecoming talk made me want to stay forever. Well, maybe not forever, but at least until the end of the day. Pulling out of the parking lot was bitter sweet. I was so happy (I wish there was a better word) to be able to see my friends and my students, but I was terribly sad to leave. Actually, it seemed weird to be leaving school in the middle of a school day.

Ok. Back to Davis. . . Davis's eating is still sporatic at best. He rarely eats breakfast, but it seems his appetite increases as the day wears on. Tonight, he ate better than he has in weeks. We ate at QQ Buffet (he loves the rice), and then he managed to eat some popcorn before bed. Not really the high fat, high protein diet he is supposed to be on, but I guess it's a start.

While I was picking up Annakate's medicine (antibiotic for a just-in-case cold) at Walgreen's, I went ahead and got my flu shot. Annakate thinks I am super brave, and Davis couldn't watch.  He sat in a chair facing the wall.  Actually, I was adjusting my position in the chair and talking to Annakate, and the gal just stuck me. Yikes!  I usually have to mentally prepare myself. You know, . . . relax the arm, count to three.  Well, not this time. My muscle was flexed, and boy, I can feel the tenderness every time I move my arm.  And when I really feel the soreness, I say a little prayer for Davis.  My flu shot arm woes are nothing compared to what he has to endure.

Davis has been blessed by so many. He still continues to receive cards from people everywhere. We enjoy his "fan mail" as much as he does. Tonight, cousin Christina Coffey dropped off an impressive painting done by one of her friends, Jon Schubert.  He placed a scripture at the bottom of the painting of Darth Vader, "The word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword (or light saber)" Hebrews 4:12. We got a big kick out of that. Christina had it framed, and I already have the perfect spot to hang it in his room.

We will leave early in the morning to make an 8:30 AM appointment.  Davis's counts are great this week.  The week off worked in terms of building his blood counts.  His white blood cells are over 3 (healthy kids are over 5). His hemoglobin was 10 (healthy kids over 15), and his ANC was up to 2500 from 230 last week (healthy kids are over 1500). His platelets were great too.  So his chemo treatment is on for tomorrow.  He will repeat the four day chemo that he did a few weeks ago. He will also have another LP (lumbar puncture or spinal tap) placing chemo into his central nervous system. He will receive fluids before and after his LP since he is prone to migraines. And we will finish up the day with an appointment with the psychologist.  We are still working on taking medication.  Go figure. I remind myself that every chemo treatment, every trip to St. Louis, every spinal is inching us closer to being past this phase - this ordeal - and to being closer to our normal lives we miss so dearly.

The most immediate prayer request we have is asking for Davis to have peace when it comes to taking his medication. It is a necessity that he overcomes this fear of swallowing pills. We also ask that you continue to pray for no long or short term side effects, and for healing and CURE. Thank you in advance for all of the concern, positive thoughts, and prayers that you send out to us. I can't think of a family who has been more touched and blessed by others than we have. We continue to feel so undeserving. 

I will let you know how tomorrow goes.  We will keep you posted.

1 comment:

  1. What an awesome painting! Wanted to let you know that each of you continue to be in my prayers. Praying that God gives you the strength to make it through these trying times.

    Annakate - I will miss greeting you daily as you come into school - they hired someone to fill the position, so I won't be there everyday. But I will still be a substitute and will be looking forward to seeing you the next time I am at Ashmore School :)
