Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Didn't See This Coming

9/13/2011:  2:00 PM

Talk about knocking the wind out of our sails.  This was supposed to be an easy week for Davis. A count building week. 

Davis slept away most of the weekend.  We didn't mind. We figured it was the radiation, and besides, we wanted him good and rested for school this week. 

When he awoke on Monday, he snapped. He decided he was taking a day off. He refused all medications and food. When I would nag him enough to take a medication, he would willfully force it up in protest. He wouldn't do any homework. He was determined to quit school, piano, GE . . . . everything. No one could talk sense to him. He was thoroughly annoyed with us, and he said many hateful and hurtful things. I spent the day arguing with him. No TV, computer, Ipad, phone. When I reached my breaking point, I called the doctor. It broke my heart to admit that I needed help and that I didn't even recognize the terror he had morphed in to. I think for those of you who know Davis, you would agree that this type of behavior is far from normal for him. He is sweet, compassionate, and full of creativity.  He is a genuine nerd; he loves learning. This new behavior was so disheartening.

The oncologist and psychologist both agree that Davis's anxiety is getting the better of him. He is afraid to take his medicine. He is afraid to go to school in case he gets sick or tired. He is afraid to eat because it hurts his stomach. He worries all of time. In an effort to help him, he has been prescribed a little something. Hopefully, we will see marked improvement over the next few weeks. I tell you, it seems he is his own worst enemy.

I have started giving him Muscle Milk and Pediasure to drink. He has grown so thin and weak from not eating. I am hoping that this will help. He hates the taste of them.  I have figured out that if I heat up the chocolate Pediasure, I can pass it off as hot chocolate. I tried to thin down the Muscle Milk with actual milk, but he still refused it.

Monday was horrible. Today started out incredibly rough. We can't seem to have a peaceful morning when there is medication involved. Davis did go to school for nearly an hour before needing to come home. Hopefully, each day will get better. He needs a better routine than this. We all do.

Please continue to pray for peace for Davis. The oncology nurse is encouraged by the amount of fight he has in him, but sadly, he is fighting the wrong things and people. He needs to fight the cancer and his negative attitude, not the medications, doctors, and us. Pray for his health. He has to start eating. He is not going to feel better if he doesn't have the nutrients to sustain his little body. We still need to pray for all of the other things as well: side effects, healing, and CURE.  And please pray for our family. It hasn't been easy trying to create a normal life around this sickness, and we all miss the lives we had before cancer.

We could not make this journey without your support and prayers.  Thank you for standing by our sides.

We will keep you posted.


  1. Sending our love to you and keeping all of you always in our prayers.

  2. My name is Sarah Franklin. I was Davis and Anna Kate's P.E. Teacher at Ashmore in 2010. I stay in touch with Karen Turnbow and she had informed me of Davis's health condition at the end of the summer. I am needing your address in hopes to send Davis a few things to maybe brighten up at least one day, but hopefully more. Also, please pass along a hello to Anna Kate! My family and I have been and will continue to pray for your family's strength, heeling, and to help you have opened minds for whatever might be next. Thank you offering these blogs for people far away to keep up with Davis's condition and also for those who might be going through the same things you are right now.
