Thursday, January 10, 2013

Aloha, Hawaii. . .Mahalo Make-A-Wish

1.10.2013:  5:00 PM

Happy New Year!! 

We spent the first seven days of this year in Hawaii on Davis's Make-A-Wish wish. It was amazing. I have so much to share.

But I am going to have to fill you in later. After nearly ten hours in an airplane, two hours in a car, unpacking, multiple loads of laundry, and two work days of catch-up and teaching under my belt, I am spent.

I just really wanted to thank Lauren and the Illinois chapter of Make-A-Wish for making this trip possible. We understand the importance of family more than ever, and thank you so much for providing this opportunity to enjoy one another.

I made a "thank you" movie for Lauren, our Make-A-Wish coordinator. I thought I would share it. Stories to come, I promise.

I had to upload it from Youtube because it wouldn't download direct for some reason. Apologize for the junk that comes up at the end of the video.

Seriously, happy new year! Hug your loved ones - especially your children - a little tighter this year, and tell them that you love them every chance you get.

We will keep you posted.


  1. The video is marked private I cannot view it :(. I am glad you had a wonderful time! How exciting!

  2. Hi Angel, so sorry about that. I switched the private mode off. Hopefully, it is viewable now. Let me know if you have trouble.

  3. BEAUTIFUL!!! Thanks for sharing!
