Monday, December 31, 2012

Sending Out 2012

12.31.12: 9:00 PM

I think the last time I posted was on the 16th.  Since then, we have managed to celebrate Kyle's birthday, enjoy five Christmases, and spend plenty of time with family and friends.

We celebrated Kyle's birthday with a band concert. It was amazing. Davis did such a fantastic job. Personally, I enjoy it so much more knowing how much he enjoys it.

We had an amazing Christmas - no, several amazing Christmases. The kids received more than they needed.

I caught myself several times appreciating where we are now. Davis is a completely different young man than he was a year ago. Although not quite up to par, he has more energy and is surprisingly healthy despite his compromised immune system.

Christmas last year
Christmas this year

We have spent the greater part of Christmas break doing a lot of nothing, which is exactly what we want. We were blessed with enough snow for the kids (and Kyle) to sled and play. Davis didn't quite get the fort built that he wanted, but I am sure there will be other opportunities.

We are planning to enjoy the opposite extreme soon. We plan on heading out on Davis's Make-A-Wish trip to Hawaii in January. When Davis made his wish, he was in to three things:  Maine, Alaska and mushing teams/dogs, and Pearl Harbor. His wish to Pearl Harbor was granted. We were scheduled to fulfill his wish trip in March, but he ended up in the hospital for two weeks. Thus, the trip was postponed. We have gone to some lengths (mask wearing, excessive hand washing, etc) to keep Davis healthy this holiday season, so this upcoming trip wouldn't be jeopardized.

I remember how badly I wanted 2011 to end. The latter six months of the year were . . . well, I don't know. I was grateful for every day as I have now learned not to take time for granted, but each day welcomed another day of cancer treatment, survival, adjustment to the "new normal". The latter six months of this year have brought the return of the life that we knew before diagnosis. Most days, cancer is just an inconvenience.

We want to wish you a very happy new year. I don't usually make new year's resolutions (I think that any day of the year is a good time to improve yourself), but I look to the new year as a gift - a gift of another year of watching my children grow. And I consider myself among those most richly blessed. 

May God bless you and your family this coming year and always.

We will keep you posted.

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