Thursday, October 27, 2011

Team Davis T-Shirts

A few people have mentioned that they were unable to find the order forms for Team Davis t-shirts. I assume that the information was buried in a post somewhere. 

If you are interested in ordering a shirt, you may do so by clicking on the link below, printing the form, and mailing it and payment to Mandy Hanner, c/o Oakland High School, P.O. Box 378, Oakland, IL 61943.

Team Davis T-Shirt Order Forms

Just a reminder that the orders are due on Monday, October 31.
Also, for those who do order shirts, feel free to email, mail, or facebook (can that be used as a verb?) me a picture of you in your Team Davis t-shirt. I am going to make a photo album/memory book for Davis from his supporters and prayer warriors. Please specify if you do not wish for your picture to be posted on the blog; many pictures end up here. 


address:  9208 N Co Rd 2270E, Ashmore, IL 61912


  1. Davis- I miss seeing you, but I guess that means you are fighting like a champion! You are a strong and courageous little boy and I am proud of you for the strength and determination you have. Hope I get to see you soon, but not while I'm at work! Love- Teresa (Lincolnland nurse)

  2. Just a note to send our love and prayers. Hope today (Tuesday) brings lots of smiles as the new month arrives. Davis, I can't wait to get see Kim & I in our new T-shirts!! Steve & Kim
