Saturday, October 15, 2011

Changes, Improvement, and Hanging Out

 10/15/2011:  12:51 PM

cousin jordan stopped by for
a visit
Disclaimer: I can't remember what I posted yesterday. The last few days have been a blur. Sorry for any repeat of information.

Yesterday started out pretty rough. Davis was weepy and defiant. The docs thought it would be best if Davis was given something to treat the anxiety.  He was sedated and slept for a good while. He was a new man when he awoke. He was cooperative and even went for a walk and ate a handful of popcorn. What a difference it has been.

a lot of sleeping going on

Davis's overall health has improved steadily. He ate a bit last night, and has even eaten some today. He is also drinking. He is still on a nutrient fluid drip, so I think between the both, he is staying well hydrated. He is even sleeping less, which is a sign that the infection has decreased. His counts haven't moved a bunch. His ANC (immune system) is up to 12 from 0. His white count is still critical at 0.4, and his hemoglobin dropped. He just finished his blood transfusion.

Davis spiked a fever of 101.8 last night. This is considered a significant fever because he has been on a broad spectrum antibiotic for days now. The doctor now believes that Davis has infection somewhere in his body, and that the ear infection is no longer the source of infection. While nothing has been confirmed or discovered,  it is likely that the infection is a line infection (infection in his port), bacterial infection in his blood, fungal infection, strep or staff infection. That narrows it down, doesn't it. The cultures are only 30% accurate, so we may never know.  The important thing is to kill the fever and have his counts recover. This means the infection, whatever it is, is gone.

The super-antibiotic that Davis has been placed on to treat the infection causes something called Red Man Syndrome.  95% of children experience this side effect. It causes his head to turn bright red and itch. If he develops this side effect, he will be given something to counter it.

comic relief arrived friday evening

We will be here for a couple more days minimum. Davis is well aware of it and has adjusted to it.  He aleady has his chemo scheduled for next THursday and Friday, so I think the doctors think that his counts will be strong enough to continue for treatment. If his platelets and ANC aren't where they are supposed to be, it will cancelled again this week and scheduled for next week.

We appreciate all of your thoughts and prayers that you are sending our way. Davis is doing so much better!!  Keep them coming; they're working! We no longer take for granted how truly blessed we are.

We will keep you posted.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear that Davis is doing better and that the comic relief could make an appearance!! Have a great day! Steve & Kim
