Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Homeward Bound . . . Maybe

10/18/2011:  10:15 AM

Davis is feeling so much better. He has conquered nearly everything on his checklist to be released from the hospital. His ANC (immune system) was in the 60s yesterday, and today it is over 200! No fever for over 48 hours now. The nurses seem extremely confident that we will be released today despite Davis not having an ANC over 500.  They are under the impression that Davis can count build at home.  We are still waiting to hear from the doctors. They make the call. 

The biggest stress yesterday was finding a hotel in the St. Louis area for Wednesday evening.  Davis has to be back at the hospital at 6:45 AM on Thursday for a spinal, so it makes sense to spend the night before. I am not begrudging the Cardinals of their success by any means, but our timing and their World Series timing collided.  After some frustration, I left the task up to Kyle, and he found us a room.  Thanks, honey.

Davis managed to do a bit of homework and eat some yesterday evening. He has his days and nights mixed up too. He was awake from 5:00 PM to nearly 1:00 AM.  He watched a couple of movies and tinkered around during that time. Of course, he is asleep now. He is doing a better job at taking his medication too. It is still a drawn-out process.

Wait. . . Talking to the nurse . . .We are going home! Today!  The doctors have moved his LP (spinal tap) to Friday because they are pretty sure his ANC won't be over the needed 750.  With the chemo starting on Friday, Davis will have to be admitted again on Friday evening (or Saturday morning) to receive Day 2 of chemo - the dreaded Peg shots.  Since the clinic will be closed on Saturday, he will have to receive them in-patient.  Because of Davis's anxiety, the doctors have given us the option to stay in a hotel on Friday evening.  Davis would come in on Saturday morning and be admitted for the day. Ahhhhhh.  I can't wait to sleep in my own bed and see Annakate. I am not looking forward to the three hour trip home and the road construction, and from what I have heard, it is freezing outside. When we were admitted last week, it was nearly 80 degrees. Needless to say, I am a bit underdressed for the weather. I am still in flip-flops. Poor planning, I guess.

Nothing else going on. We will hopefully be discharged sometime this afternoon.  Past practice has usually been between 3:00 and 5:00 PM.

Thanks for all of your prayers and positive thoughts.  You are fantastic at rallying around us in our time of need.

We will keep you posted.

1 comment:

  1. Yay! So glad to hear Davis and you are coming home. Also, glad to hear the counts are coming up. God is so good. Praying you will continue to see improvement and continue to see His blessings being poured out on your family during this difficult time!
