Monday, March 11, 2013

Make-A-Wish Newspaper Article

3/11/13:  6:53 PM

We have enjoyed the last couple of weeks.  The routine we had before cancer has resumed.  Work, school, chores, church, Taekwondo, weight lifting. . . Every minute of it wonderfully perfect in its own sort of way.

The kids have made it to their spring break. Annakate started hers with strep throat. Poor little girl. Her timing is impeccable.  This seems to always happen.  I can't help but think of a time a couple of Christmases ago when she had the stomach flu on Christmas Eve. For spring break, Kyle had made plans to take the kids away for a couple of days, but as of now, that has been postponed. A few unhappy campers moping around here.

Davis made the paper!  The Times-Courier ran a story over our Make-A-Wish trip after being contacted by Make-A-Wish.  It was a lot of fun. It didn't take long for Davis to warm up to Mr. Fopay, and the article turned out splendidly.

If you missed it, just click on the link. 

Family takes trip to Hawaii thanks to Make-A-Wish

We will head back down to St. Louis this Friday. It should be an easy day of chemo. Just a little push through the port and a breathing treatment.

We thank you for every thought and prayer that has been lifted up on our behalf.  It is only by His grace that Davis is doing so well.  Please keep them coming. 

We will keep you posted.

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