Monday, July 22, 2013

Taking Donating to the Next Step

7.22.13:  10: 45 AM

I have toyed with the idea to become a bone marrow donor for some time. I know several who are.  I have read and re-read the website, but I have always managed to dismiss the notion since finding a donation service area was a bit of effort.  However, I have always kept the idea in the back of my head and close to my heart. 

While in Nashville a few weeks ago, I ran across a donation booth at a flee market of all places.  So I did it. I registered. It took all of five minutes. A painless mouth swab and a bit of paperwork. I am now in a database of donors to be used. 

I know that if Davis were to relapse -- not that he will because we trust in God that he is healed -- he would need a bone marrow transplant, and if Annakate wasn't a match, he would be at the mercy of the donor bank.  And that alone is reason enough for me.

If you are interested in learning more about bone marrow donation, I have attached the link to the website.  If we are all proactive, I know we can do a small part in minimizing or eradicating blood cancer. 

DKMS Bone Marrow Donation

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