Saturday, April 20, 2013

Walk and Run For Wishes

4/20/2013:  8:27 PM

We participated in the Make-A-Wish's Walk and Run for Wishes today in Fairview Heights.  Davis was the honorary chair. It is a costumed walk and run, so there were all kinds of characters running around.  Although Kyle would disagree, I am thankful for the rain, because it kept him out of the fields and allowed him to spend the day with us. (Now it needs to dry up!)  Grandma and Grandpa Arnold rounded out our "Team Davis".

I just love this picture. Davis was obviously Batman.

Annakate took advantage of the face painting station and was transformed into Hello Kitty.  There was also a guy there making some pretty impressive balloon creations.  Oh, and Davis was in his element when the Star Wars 501st Legion showed up.

Adam, the event coordinator, and Mike Montgomery, DJ for WBGZ radio, buddied up with Davis, and made for an impressive trio.  After welcomes and thank you's were said, Davis gave a little speech.  I was so proud of him.  He told everyone what his diagnosis was, what his wish was, all the different things he did on his Wish trip, and he thanked Make-A-Wish. 
Davis was also the judge for the costume contest.  It was very hard for him to choose, but he managed to pick his favorites from the line-up.
After some quick stretches, everyone geared up for the walk or run. Davis counted off with the traditional, "On your marks, get set, go" and the runners were off,  and then he led the walkers out. He and Annakate quickly gained ground from the rest of the pack of walkers. I would see them briefly on a distant trail, and at one point, Annakate yelled, "Hey Mom!" and then they were gone again.  They had a blast! 

By the time I made it back to the pavilion, Davis was getting a back massage from Dr. Rice, an area chiropractor.  A super nice guy. 

The festivities concluded with a raffle.  Davis was the ticket announcer.  There were all sorts of prizes. A lady who had bought several tickets had to leave before the raffle started, so she gave all of her tickets to Davis. He was ecstatic! Amazingly enough - and no, it wasn't rigged - Davis pulled his number and won a birthday party for 20 kids to the Great Godfrey Corn Maze. Davis was talking about possibly donating the party to the Hem-Onc Life Specialists at Children's because it is a bit unrealistic to take 20 kids to a corn maze two and a half hours away from home. But he hasn't decided anything yet.  He was just tickled to win.

 A special thanks for all of the supporters of Make-A-Wish. I think there were fifteen or so different teams represented today, and I am sure that most of those teams represent someone - a child - who has been affected by cancer or other life-threatening disease. We are looking forward to next year's Walk/Run for Wishes.

Today, there was a moment of silence taken for those we have lost this year due to cancer/illness. I couldn't help but use my moment of silence to pray for Cory's family. I have felt so burdened for them lately. Could you please lift them up in prayer if you get a chance?  And as always, thank you a million times over for inquiring about and praying diligently for Davis and my family. God continues to keep His hand on him and bless us everyday.
We will keep you posted. 

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