Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Didn't Quite Make It to the Wedding

11.7.2012:  11:00 PM

Halloween came . . . .and it went.

Davis was an FBI agent and Annakate was a flight attendant.  They were so super cute.

School for Davis last week was hit and miss.  He developed a headache on Sunday, and then it came and went all week.  He also was complaining of being super tired and dizzy. His belly hurt on and off too. We kept monitoring him for fever, but a fever never came. We called the clinic on Monday, and the team recommended that we keep an eye on him, because it was probably a developing virus.

The symptoms persisted. He kept coming home from school sick.  I called the clinic again on Wednesday, and it was decided that a blood test would rule out a count issue. On Thursday, the nurse called and told us that Davis' counts were great. On Friday, after the team had time to discuss the unusual symptoms, we received a phone call. 

Kyle and I were on our way to St. Louis for a family wedding when a clinic nurse called me and told me that it was decided that Davis needed to go to Carle Hospital for a CT scan. It had already been ordered and the ER was expecting us.  The problem was that we were outside of Greenville, Davis was in Ashmore, and Champaign was an hour north of him. We turned around and headed home. 

Davis's oncologists did a great job of putting two and two together. Davis' symptoms were consistent of a concussion. The CT was ordered to make sure that Davis did not have a brain bleed or any soft tissue damage. The Carle ER doctor was wonderful. He concluded that Davis did indeed have a concussion, and the CT scan proved that there was no sign of a brain bleed or tissue damage. Davis may experience his symptoms for a couple more weeks, but there is no specific treatment for him. Sadly, we can't give him Tylenol to help with the headache, which seems to be the biggest issue for him now.

Davis is feeling better. He doesn't seem as fatigued as he was last week.  The headache still lingers but improving.  He is scheduled for chemo and a spinal tap the day after Thanksgiving.  The oncology team will assess him then.

We celebrated Annakate's birthday with a nice, little party.  She loved it. Wienie Roast, Smores, haunted hay ride, games, cake, presents, friends and family. . . . . the making of a wonderful party. It was very chilly, but the kids were resilient.

We are so blessed.  With Thanksgiving right around the corner, I can't help to count my blessings.  God continues to keep His hand on my children, and I am eternally grateful that I serve a God who answers prayers. I am amazed at how far we have come in the past 15 months, and so appreciative of every single day.

We will keep you posted.

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